What distribution of linux to use?


New Member
Jun 26, 2018
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I really need help with what distribution of linux to use as my host OS

Hi @arabmoni, and again, welcome!

These days "host OS" is usually talking about the host, or "hypervisor" in a virtual machine type situation. Let us know if that is what you want to do.

I think you may just mean, "which Linux might be good for you?" We get this question a lot because there are so many to choose from. Whether you want a virtual host, or just a basic distro to learn Linux... the good thing is that the basic distro can also be a host too.

The real answer for you is that you have to try out 2 or 3 (or more) to see which one you like best, and if there are any problems with finding your hardware, such as sound or wireless internet. You will have to learn some new terminology as you go too... terms that are not used in the Windows and Mac worlds usually.

So let's get you started. A "distro" (distribution) is the major name of various Linux system, produced by companies, or teams, or individual people. Some of the best distros for a new person are Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Linux Lite, Peppermint OS, Zorin OS, and many others that we could list for you, if you don't like any of these.

The next thing is Desktop Environments, or DE's. These are named KDE, Gnome (also called Gnome Shell, or Gnome 3 Shell), XFCE, MATE, Cinnamon, Budgie, and a few more I think.

Each of the big distros usually provides more than one DE for you to choose from. And your choice of DE is really important because it is how you interact with the distro... the DE gives you the "look and feel".... and some you will like, and some you will not.

But how can we know what you will like? That is why you need to download several to try them out yourself. Some of the distros and DE's need more computer power, like more RAM. So tell us a little about the computer you will use to run Linux, and tell us if that computer has a DVD drive.

When you get ready to actually try booting on Linux, you will have to put it on a DVD or USB and boot from that. The computer will run in "live mode" and you don't have to actually install Linux yet, at this point.

I've probably missed something already. It is quite a complicated process for the new person starting out, and we sometimes forget that or take some things for granted. Just ask if you need better explanation on anything.

Other people will jump in and help too, so be patient... people are from all over the world, in different time zones, with jobs and families and other obligations. And we volunteer our time when we can.

We really need a thumbs up emoticon and a double thumbs up emoticon :). Nicely put, Stan.

(Wizard appears in a puff of smoke, trips over a VM then realises it was not there in the first place)

Welcome to linux.org @arabmoni :p

VM (Virtual Machines) software is usually headed by by first Oracle's VirtualBox and then VMWare. Some Linux Distros may ship with one.

https://distrowatch.com/ and its popularity page https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=popularity are often a good place to start, to get a feel for what is out there. It is commonly thought (but without actual statistics hard to be sure) that the Top 100 Distros listed there are likely to have the best support, but I have even found "pearls" close to the 200 mark.

The more you tell us, the more we can refine our suggestions.

This might include your computer brand and model, so we can look up specifications, or you may have the specs yourself and volunteer them.

Also, whether you wish to dualboot with Windows, or to dedicate the computer to Linux.

The two VM suggestions above are cross-platform, so you can use them from Windows.


Chris Turner
wizardfromoz - That's DownUnder :D

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