SSH issue - need infor


New Member
May 23, 2023
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In kali linux i am using the following command $ sudo ssh [email protected]

But keep getting error that host is down, and not prompting my other course members are able to login to the demo onion site.

ssh: connect to host port 80: connection timed out

Did nmap got

nmap done: 1 ip address (0 hosts up)

Then did nmap -Pn got

nmap done: 2 ip address (2 hosts up)

What am i doing wrong

Ssh service is enabled and running.

Is the command wrong? Or any other way to access? Please guide.

Ask your course instructor?
I will share these hints:

1. You do not need "sudo" in your ssh command in the terminal. If you feel that "sudo" is necessary, then something may be wrong. I always use "ssh username@IPaddress" without the "sudo".

2. This question may be very stupid:
-> Are you trying to enter the command into something like a web browser? The error message says "ssh: connect to host port 80: connection timed out". That error message does not match the command you shared. The ssh command should be going to port 22 on the remote SSH server, not port 80. Port 80 is used for web browsing, not SSH. Just for fun, try "ssh -p 22 [email protected]". That will force your ssh command to use port 22, but it should do that anyway, without the "-p 22" switch.

If you are using some kind of browser, then it won't work directly. The correct method would be to open a terminal window and type the ssh command there. That works from Linux and Mac.

If you run Windows, you will need a separate program to connect to a server using SSH. For Windows, I have used PuTTY for many years. It is free and it works for me, but others may recommend a more current, modern SSH terminal program for Windows.
You're going to need to set up your ssh config file in order to use it. When you open you'll understand. Nothing is set. sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config. If you're not sure about a setting leave and research.

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