
  1. Nigh Knight

    X server isn't properly starting with startx, ends in error

    I use Arch btw Background I restarted i3 using it's default restart command mod+shift+r, and suddenly I was existed out of my current session. Attempts I decided to run startx, to restart X, nothing. I decide to open use xinit to start the display, using xinit -- :1, nothing. I decided to...
  2. W

    Arch Linux in Virtual Machine, startx results in missing assets used by the desktop

    I tried running startx on my Arch Linux virtual machine (using Oracle Virtualbox) to test Arch Linux, and I am making new improvements rapidly. I tried to test different display managers to find out which one I was going to install on my computer, and I finally decided I was not going to use...
  3. D

    Enter command startx and after I can't log in

    I typed the command in the terminal "startx" after that a desktop appeared with some new icons and the pens welcome to the new system (I think so), after that I restored the system and after entering the code I cannot enter at all, the code is correct 100 %. What should I do to restart my Linux...