reverse proxy

  1. M

    [local LAN multisite orchestrator or router] apache or nginx all under Docker

    Good morning, I am very happy to be able to join this forum as a newbie on linux. I undertook to dockerize many ubuntu server 20.04 and 22.04 VMs in order to gain resources and ease. Currently I have dockerized (docker release 24.0.2): Apache Guacamole, Noip (DDNS), Nextcloud, AdGuardHome...
  2. D

    Nginx server without reverse proxy

    Hi, I have a pfsense with HAProxy. Now I want to install a server behind it. Only find instructions with Nginx server and reverse proxy. But I no longer need the reverse proxy because I have pfsense with a certificate and haproxy. or how can i solve this?
  3. A

    How to configure firewalld (or polarproxy) as reverse proxy for one domain

    Hi, I want to configure firewalld (sorry no need additional proxy as apache, nginx or squid, I need configure redirect by firewalld or my existing reversy proxy). I have running reverse proxy polarproxy in machine ( I want to redirect all inbound request to domain...
  4. M

    Exchange vs ProxyPass on Apache or NGINX

    Hello IT, I have a problem with creating "proxypss" for Exchange 2019. If I created the configuration, I have a problem with NTLM :( My config for Apache: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/certs/2018-wildcard-domain-com.crt...
  5. D

    Nginx Error - HTTPS

    Hi all, Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong section of the forum but I could not find anywhere else to post this. I am relatively new to nginx and have installed and configured it as a reverse proxy. All the virtual hosts I have set up thus far are working fine. The problem has arisen...