
  1. D

    How to better benchmark Xorg vs Wayland?

    Before when I was on Ubuntu, I used I think it was called x11-perf from the phoronix test suite (Gnome on Xorg and Wayland). The test results tied with each other. In some tests Xorg won and in some Wayland. But the test I think is very old and probably not a good test. Even before that I was...
  2. treeshateorcs

    help me troubleshoot xss-lock

    okay, so my problem is that my screen locker is never activated. this is the only reason why i use sway (a wayland reimplementation of the i3 xorg window manager), and not i3 i have these two relevant lines in my ~/.config/i3/config exec_always --no-startup-id xset s 120 5 exec_always...