
  1. H

    Fixing Mint partition with GParted [CHANGED TITLE]

    Following step-by-step the instructions at I get an error at section 5. The partition (containing Mint 19.3) that I am trying to fix is at /dev/sda8. As I read the instruction I shall then enter...
  2. P

    Partition Tables won't write to USB Stick

    Hi, Recently one of my USB Drives became unreadable according to GParted. None of the partitions show up and it doesn't mount to Ubuntu Desktop 20.10. I've tried all the command line tools under the sun that I know of but nothing, the partition table "writes", but never mounts. I reload the...
  3. G

    [SOLVED] Gparted and Disks reporting different partition tables

    Hi there! I made a major goof and wrote a debian.iso to /dev/sdb (actually what I remember doing is writing it to /dev/sda but for reasons I'll get into shortly, my disk is reporting it differently. As I understand it, that means that the first 430Mb or so (size of debian-10 netinstall) has...
  4. M

    Cannot locate or analyze disk problems on /dev/sdb2

    I have run a number of commands to try and solve this problem but to no avail. Please see attached file which also contains a print out of all error messages in dmesg.
  5. B

    GParted Live won't let me expand partition

    So basically, I shrank my Windows partition to try and expand the Ubuntu partition. However, in spite of my Ubuntu partition not being mounted, it just won't let me give it any of the unallocated space. It clearly says it is unmounted (I launched GParted from an Ubuntu LiveUSB), it will let me...