
  1. P

    tiling window manager - achieving single vertical with tabbed/group section

    Hi, I looking for a Tiling Window Manager that provide me with sort of v-stack layout from DWM which has a single bind to quickly swap windows between master and stacked area BUT the stacked (right) side should be presented as a grouped/tabbed layout (one window focused). Here's a more...
  2. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    Hi basically when i click on some links this happens, Cick the link -> Screen turns black and this error message appears: [FAILED] Failed to start casper-md5check Verify Live ISO -> OS login screen pops up, for now this happened with some links, pywal github, a fonts download page and when i...
  3. B

    How to install "dwm" WM and "st" terminal on Arch Based Distros, and once you login, you can choose between "dwm" and "your previous DE"

    1. sudo pacman -Syu // update 2. sudo pacman -S vim git base-devel // install "vim" editor, "git" and "base-devel" 3. sudo pacman -S dmenu // install dmenu 4. git clone https://git.suckless.org/dwm 5. git clone https://git.suckless.org/st 6. cd dwm 7. sudo make clean install 8. cd 9. cd...