
  1. B

    Crontab and system sleep

    Am I correct in thinking that crontab will only run jobs if the system is awake and will not itself wake the system if jobs are waiting. How would that normally be handled; suppose, for example, i want to run clamav on the whole system at midnight. I have been trying to use systemd service and...
  2. J

    Cron job to open a tab in a browser

    I have Debian 12 and created a script to open a tab in a browser for a specific web site. The script works when I run it locally './" but when I use Cron to execute the script a message saying "Firefox is already running" so Cron is trying to open Firefox. The log say ATTENTION...
  3. A

    How to launch script on First Saturday and two day before

    Good morning all, read several posts that this can't be done, but maybe someone has accomplished anyway. What I need is to launch a script on the First Saturday of every month and two days before. For example first Saturday of December 2023 will happen on the second, I'd like my script to be...
  4. B

    Solved Crontab vs /etc/cron.x directories

    Hi. I have been working with crontab to schedule jobs. I usually run crontab -l (to list the jobs) or crontab -e (to edit them). Always bearing in mind each user. I also have found the following directories: /etc/anacrontab /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly...
  5. E

    Running a script at startup

    I have a script to mount 2 network drives that work perfectly from the terminal using "sudo sh MntPD". This is the content of the MntPD file: #!/bin/bash sudo mount.cifs // /media/plexdata -o vers=2.0,username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD,noperm sudo mount.cifs...
  6. D

    Combining crontab with fcrontab, timer and schedule

    Hello, I wasn't sure if this is the right forum. Here is the question Having 2 schedules set: 1. Cron running every 8am 0 8 * * * 2. Fcron running every 61 minutes: @1h1 They will eventually bump into each other and it will not work because only one job can be run at...
  7. E

    backup something on Server

    Hey :) I have a Gameserver on Linux and want to backup something every 3 hours. A friends said, that I can use a Shellcommand with my Crontab file. Now there is this in the crontab: # /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab # Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab' # command to...
  8. D


    Hello, I use a dummy script at '/bin/rdshft.bash' for a single shot applying of 'redshift' command with its options, the content of the command 'rdshft.bash' is: #!/bin/bash redshift -v -P -l 28.00:78.00 -t 3200:2400 So, yesterday I decided to add the 'rdshft.bash' to the crontab for automatic...
  9. A

    Cron Jobs / Crontab - Cannot Create or Edit File

    I try to edit the crontab file to create con jobs by using ssh "sudo crontab -e" and "crontab -e", but I keep getting the following error message (or as shown in the image below): And the file path location "/var/spool/cron/crontabs/" folder is empty. Shouldn't there be a cron file of some...
  10. M

    Save BackUp File in specific location

    Hi there I am pretty new in the Linux world. I am just setting up a MySQL Database and now I want to create an automatic backup job for all the databases. I'm using the following script to create the backup: #!/bin/bash DATE=$(date +%d%m%Y-%H) mysqldump -u backupuser -p'12345'...
  11. JohnnyRobot

    Python Script Spawned by Cron or Systemd doesn't write files..?

    Hi all, I'm not really sure where this question should go. I'm not even sure if it's a Linux issue or a Python issue. I've written a Raspberry Pi application (Ubuntu Mate) that's essentially a timed camera. Every 30 seconds, it snaps an image and writes it to disk. When I start the...
  12. D

    Troubles with crontab

    Hi guys, I would say I'm a very n00 n00b to linux in general and I'm currently scratching my head rather vigorously (and have been for the last 3 hours) about crontab. Here's my setup (probably completely irrelevant but hey): I have an old desktop PC (a box with a brain) whose sole purpose is...