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  1. J

    What do you with your Linux Distro ? Do you hop around ?

    im gonn do the same 1.install arch 2.install gentoo 3.install slackware 4.install freebsd 5. install redhat 4.0
  2. J

    What do you with your Linux Distro ? Do you hop around ?

    I have decided to go on mission to try out every distro there is and see what its all about. I am on a 7 day challenge to get know a distro and learn as much as i can using it before i settle for my final distro, should be fun :D So, far I have a triple boot system with the old Windows7...
  3. J

    What do you with your Linux Distro ? Do you hop around ?

    I dont look at it like that about what its based on, the package manager, etc. Also i dont wanna keep on tinkering with the system for hours every day. Just want a system/OS that when you turn on the machine, just works and i can do my stuff. However, trying out all the distros sounds fun.
  4. J

    What do you with your Linux Distro ? Do you hop around ?

    what is your main/favorite distro where you do all your work from ? Thats what im thinking of doing. Are all your distros on VM or is it hardware ? At the moment i gotta dual boot, but if i go down the hardware route it could get triple or quad boot and might get messy specially uninstalling...
  5. J

    What do you with your Linux Distro ? Do you hop around ?

    doesnt slackware interface look a bit basic ?
  6. J

    What do you with your Linux Distro ? Do you hop around ?

    With so many distro's to choose from and one gaining more popularity than the next what are you guys doing ? Are you deleting the existing distro you have and installing the new latest most popular distro from scratch ? or are you just hopping around from one distro to another testing each of...
  7. J

    What type of installation should I do? (Dual Boot / Live CD / Fresh Install / Virtual Installation)

    so can we hop around with it ? like take it work computer or in someone elses laptop ?
  8. J

    help choose linux distro

    Flavour-wise If you're new to Linux and came from a MS Windows background then best distro is Linux Mint Cinnamon if you're more into the Windows XP look-a-like theme-set. If you like the flavour of Windows95 then go for Linux Mint Mate If you have an old machine go for Mint Xfce The looks of...
  9. J

    Distro selection

    I use Deepin. It "looks" much like Windows 7. The file manager windows are much nicer and cleaner than MS Win7 with blue folder colours. With the transparent taskbar gives you a little aero effect but only on the taskbar and start menu.