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    What is it that I have to do to make this error go away without losing Reason? I am trying to create a certificate with certbot. If I try and enter this URL in my web browser: then On my Linux Mint Web server...
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    Self Signed Cetificate error - very frustrating!

    I have created this batch file to create a self signed certificate. *************************************************************************************************************** #!/bin/bash echo "==================================================================" sudo openssl req -newkey...
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    HTTPS web server

    I am using Linux Mint on a desktop computer I am trying to setup a web site on it. I have a domain name I have setup 2 x A records in One with <blank> One...
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    Where is the infernal syntax error in the following mysql> statement?

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wCN5zhYx5R6004zg'; What syntax error is it whinging about? All these attempts generate syntax errors.... GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wCN5zhYx5R6004zg'; GRANT ALL...
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    Another problem....this time with FileZilla on windows trying to access ftp on linux mint desktop

    Install VSFTPD guide I followed this guide for installing VSFTPD on a linux mint desktop. And trying to access it via Filezilla client on a windows laptop. Using these settings in filezilla. But I am getting ECONREFUSED back from the server. How can I fix this?
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    Scripting problem.

    I have a file named sudoexec located in \usr\local\bin It contains the following: #!/bin/bash sudo -S $1 It has x property set: So how do I create a desktop file to run this script with any parameter?
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    Linux mint web server working locally but not remotely on my home network.

    If I type into firefox on my linux mint desktop then thr test web page come up. But if I type into firefox on my windows desptop the web site times out. Why?
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    I officially give up - how do you xfer files between a windows laptop and a Linux mint desktop?

    I have succesfully setup a php web server on my linux desktop. I want work on the source code on my windows laptop. And upload the files to my Linux desktop to test, bring up the web site on my windows laptop and test my code that way. VNC Viewer Does not work or I don't how to make the files...