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    My system is linux mint

    Sorry mate but the whole thing is highly confusing atm. There are two folders: 'sites_enabled' and 'sites_available' And multiple .conf files. Which one 'vhost'? Gawd surely there is a simplier way that all this could be implemented! Why does it have to be all so convoluted with multiple...

    I have tried adding a virtual host port 80 entry in both default-ssl.conf and And then retsating apache to no avail. Nothing has worked - I still get BAD REQUEST.

    What is it that I have to do to make this error go away without losing Reason? I am trying to create a certificate with certbot. If I try and enter this URL in my web browser: then On my Linux Mint Web server...
  5. G

    Self Signed Cetificate error - very frustrating!

    I have created this batch file to create a self signed certificate. *************************************************************************************************************** #!/bin/bash echo "==================================================================" sudo openssl req -newkey...
  6. G

    HTTPS web server

    I am trying to create batch file to do all this. #!/bin/bash openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha512 -days 3650 -nodes -out certificate.pem -keyout privatekey.pem openssl x509 -outform der -in certificate.pem -out certificate.crt sudo mv certificate.pem,certificate.crt,privatekey.pem...
  7. G

    HTTPS web server

    I have generated these files and copied them all to /etc/ssl/certs
  8. G

    HTTPS web server

    I worked out how to setup multiple web sites on my server. I changed the 80 to 443 for https. And created a folder for my web site under /var/www/http It all seems to be working sort of. But now I don't know how to solved this...
  9. G

    HTTPS web server

    I am using Linux Mint on a desktop computer I am trying to setup a web site on it. I have a domain name I have setup 2 x A records in One with <blank> One...
  10. G

    Where is the infernal syntax error in the following mysql> statement?

    The following also does not work for me no matter what password I use. Niether the password I entered when I installed it. Nor the password in the .conf file.
  11. G

    Where is the infernal syntax error in the following mysql> statement?

    Honestly....EVERYTHING I type at the prompt mysql> has a syntax error. UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('secret') WHERE User='root'; What the hell! What version or variety of mysql are all these people using...
  12. G

    Another problem....this time with FileZilla on windows trying to access ftp on linux mint desktop

    Worked that problem out too. I gave myself write permission, via sudo and chmod, on the www folder. Then Filezilla worked on my windows laptop.
  13. G

    Where is the infernal syntax error in the following mysql> statement?

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wCN5zhYx5R6004zg'; What syntax error is it whinging about? All these attempts generate syntax errors.... GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wCN5zhYx5R6004zg'; GRANT ALL...
  14. G

    Another problem....this time with FileZilla on windows trying to access ftp on linux mint desktop

    Figured this one out too - I just needed to add port 22 on linux mint. And the second lot of settings in filezilla worked with port 22. Except now I am getting this error when I try to upload:
  15. G

    Another problem....this time with FileZilla on windows trying to access ftp on linux mint desktop

    I also tried these setting in filezilla: With these results:
  16. G

    Another problem....this time with FileZilla on windows trying to access ftp on linux mint desktop

    Install VSFTPD guide I followed this guide for installing VSFTPD on a linux mint desktop. And trying to access it via Filezilla client on a windows laptop. Using these settings in filezilla. But I am getting ECONREFUSED back from the server. How can I fix this?
  17. G

    Linux mint web server working locally but not remotely on my home network.

    Never mind - it was a browser cache issue. I cleared Firefox's cache and the page came up.
  18. G

    Linux mint web server working locally but not remotely on my home network.

    It did not seem to make any difference. still times out. And there is clearly a web page there. Unless you need a .htacces file to specify index.php is THE default web page?
  19. G

    I officially give up - how do you xfer files between a windows laptop and a Linux mint desktop?

    Thanks for that - DWService seems to work nicely. Am I going to be able to copy files freely to \var\www\html without permission errors? Or do I need to run the agent in sudo mode on my Linux desktop?
  20. G

    I officially give up - how do you xfer files between a windows laptop and a Linux mint desktop?

    Tried SAMBA, and got no such package when I did sudo aptg install..... I think it might work if I started VNC server in sudo mode. Then I could save the files any where presumeably.