Send large file using yahoo mail


Mar 4, 2019
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I am using Ubuntu_Mate 1

I could not send a mp4 using yahoo mail because it took around 30 minutes.
I reduced the size using ffmpeg.
ffmpeg -i sm_Julia1.mpr -s hd480 -strict -2 output.mp4

But the file was still too big.
Is there another option?

split is for text files .. just proves i forgot more than i know now :

this just worked on an mp3 :
$ ffmpeg -i twi.mp3 -ss 00:00:00.0 -t 00:04:00 -c copy outputtwi.mp3

that gave a 4 min segment where twi.mp3 is my aduio ; to get the next segment its going to be :

ffmpeg -i twi.mp3 -ss 00:04:00.0 -t 00:08:00 -c copy output2twi.mp3

i'm sure someone can tweak this so that it does it in one go ..i have to go out so..
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You could do things like uploading to your web (if you have one)and proving download link set up torrent ,send usb through post to receipient..
What is a MPR file -- somo something M$? Depending on what original file contains, suggest changing original format to a more usable one, then maybe compressing (if possible) using p7zip. More details, please.
how big is the file? why not just upload it to a cloud storage and link it?

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