Recent content by sujay999

  1. sujay999

    So, today I rebooted my laptop...and went to a folder to play some videos. It occurs that when I single click anything it runs.

    it was solved..I just had to go to the preferences in the file manager and chose the option.
  2. sujay999

    So, today I rebooted my laptop...and went to a folder to play some videos. It occurs that when I single click anything it runs.

    I want to run or open a folder with double click, instead of single click. I went to gnome-tweak tool, and settings, there is no option for that, what should I do...currently I am running Zorin 16.1. Thank you.
  3. sujay999

    Dictionary permission denied.

    Thank you....btw, it was working after I installed the zorin core 16.1.
  4. sujay999

    Dictionary permission denied.

    Thank you....btw, it was working after I installed the zorin core 16.1.
  5. sujay999

    Dictionary permission denied.

    so, I today switched to zorin from ubuntu....I had a hard disk partition for backup of my files. When I tried to access the partition there was a error...I checked the permission of the dictionary....It was written "systemd-dump". I am new to linux and I don't know what to do....please help me...