Recent content by skylight_12

  1. S

    Installing local .deb packages with sudo apt install

    Solved dependency issue now. The .deb package's "control" file needed to be modified, had a minor typo there. Thanks again, community, for your fast replies and efforts to help!
  2. S

    Installing local .deb packages with sudo apt install

    I am using local repository though...these are packages that are built by ourselves and I wanted to run them from a local repository (created by myself in a similar fashion as the links I provided and like in on my computer which uses...
  3. S

    Installing local .deb packages with sudo apt install

    Update: I just installed the unmet dependency by $ sudo apt install -y --no-install-recommends <missing pkg name> and when i now try installing the initial package...I still get the same unmet dependency "but is still going to be installed" error message. I just installed that missing package...
  4. S

    Installing local .deb packages with sudo apt install

    Ps: If you are wondering how on Earth I could get to the point of the unmet dependency output when I say I do not get a clean output from sudo apt update.. When I add a Packages.gz and Release file to the usb local folder via dpkg-scanpackages and finally run sudo apt update..the output does...
  5. S

    Installing local .deb packages with sudo apt install

    I cannot elaborate much further on the .deb packages since they are from a project in Gitlab (which happens to be private). Hence, why I said that I trust them. Sorry for not including any other necessary information as I am pretty new to this procedure. What I was trying to do altogether is to...
  6. S

    Installing local .deb packages with sudo apt install

    Hey everyone! I am trying to install a bunch of .deb packages (local ones that I 100% trust) from a USB to Ubuntu 22.04 (server not desktop so the tty1 console is what i am working with). I mounted the USB to a specific directory (created with mkdir command) and tried using: sudo apt install...