Recent content by PingTimeout

  1. P

    Unmet dependencies

    SO... Did the reinstall, everything was very smooth and easy, and the biggest my fear of absent keyboard and touchpad drivers did not come true. Nevertheless... I decided to listen to clever people of this forum and pick a more newby-friendly distro, and chose Mint. Installed Kali as a VM in...
  2. P

    Unmet dependencies

    Yes guys, I'll post right away I'll do it got to do my studying and have little time to play around with installations and other shizzle-wizzle stuff I was doing last few days already :)
  3. P

    Unmet dependencies

    This is what I got after reboot I guess enough from me, doing reinstall
  4. P

    Unmet dependencies

    Reinstalling was the first thought came into my mind when this carousel begun, but I really do not wanna do this because as much as I understand the laptop does not recon touchpad and keyboard and requires corded mouse and keyboard to operate until drivers will be installed. I have already...
  5. P

    Unmet dependencies

    When I started installing stuff, like discord, zoom, htop, signal etc, everything was fine and apt-get’ed flawlessly - i’m using those apps mentioned - but somewhere somehow I did something wrong and it just broke down. Since then I’m unable anything that’s installed by aptget. Thanks anyway
  6. P

    Unmet dependencies

    unfortunately, dependencies does not allow installing me a thing
  7. P

    Unmet dependencies

    Well, I wanted to install cool-retro-term, then something else not very important I don't recall now, but either way - when I'm gonna need somehing important it would be good I'm able to install it and now I can't... Yes, I'm new lo linux. Not absolutely new - have Fusion VM with Kali on my mac...
  8. P

    Unmet dependencies

    (meisme㉿TrustNo1)-[/etc/apt] └─$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list # See deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free # Additional line for source packages # deb-src kali-rolling...
  9. P

    Unmet dependencies

    meisme㉿TrustNo1)-[~] └─$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list # See deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free # Additional line for source packages # deb-src kali-rolling main...
  10. P

    Unmet dependencies

    Hi! Stumbled on a problem. Update made with no issues, but then I sudo upgrade and error party begins. Could not find a solution, just going circles ending up with no yield with options suggested within google. What to do? I literaly cannot install anything. Help! :)