Recent content by meenanath.taralkar@gmail.

  1. M

    configure: error: external blkid library not found

    Hi Guys, Just to let you know that, I fixed this problem by enabling libblkid option in file which was disabled. --enable-libblkid Thanks, Meenanath
  2. M

    configure: error: external blkid library not found

    Yes, I agree. I am using the Ubuntu for building software for an embedded target hardware only. I am not using it for my regular work.
  3. M

    configure: error: external blkid library not found

    Thanks for your reply. I tried to build the project using latest distribution of Linux 20.04.01. That gives me different errors. I am trying to solve those issues as well. Meantime, I was thinking if I can get at least this project built with 14.04 as Microchip have mentioned in the document.
  4. M

    configure: error: external blkid library not found

    Hi, I am new to Linux. I am trying to build the source code for EVB-KSZ9477 using all the steps mentioned in the document "EVB_KSZ9477_Source_Build_Instructions.pdf" I have installed Ubuntu 14.04.06 LTS using VM on my laptop. After few hours of build, I am getting an error shown in the attached...