Recent content by lilipop2513

  1. L

    Create udev rule for USB device with multiple virtual ports

    Yes the ports are identified uniquely in the /dev directory (exp : ttyUSB0 & ttyUSB1). Let me reput my question in a better way : 1- Here's a look at what my first tested rule looked like : SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ea70"...
  2. L

    Create udev rule for USB device with multiple virtual ports

    Hey, thanks for the reply. It is actually one component with 2 virtual ports, means the two has same vendor id, product id and so on. I don't seem to find something that could make the difference between the two. If you have any ideas, tell me please.
  3. L

    Create udev rule for USB device with multiple virtual ports

    Hello Linux Community ! In my embedded project, I came across working with multiple USB devices. So, to avoid checking each time the new port of each device and setting that in my code, I decided to use udev rules to have a unique access to each device. However, in that process, one device is...