Recent content by jharris4854

  1. jharris4854

    Why does 'ls -d' not show directories

    I follow your example now . Thank you. That is very helpful.
  2. jharris4854

    Why does 'ls -d' not show directories

    I had to install it. Imma try it out thanks
  3. jharris4854

    Why does 'ls -d' not show directories

    Is that two different options '-L, -d'? And, I dont follow the '1' param.
  4. jharris4854

    Why does 'ls -d' not show directories

    im running CentOS 7. I cant 'man tree'. What distro you running?
  5. jharris4854

    Why does 'ls -d' not show directories

    lol. Thats the same logic I came to about why it works, bc ls works without defining a "where". In fact, almost any other configuration of that command short of 'ls -d' works with a default location in mind. lol it doesnt make logical sense but thank you for your input.
  6. jharris4854

    Why does 'ls -d' not show directories

    If this was already posted, I apologize; I searched for it and couldnt find what I was looking for. I know that you have to use the command 'ls -d */' to show directories only but I dont understand why. What exactly is '*/' doing in the command? Im sure its a simple answer for even a beginner...