Recent content by ggee

  1. G

    How to set up wireguard to be connected to QEMU/KVM VM via WI-FI

    about the wg0-conf for vm file Endpoint = <Host's Public IP>:51820 for the public ip the ip changes when i switch servers is there a way i can automatically get it to switch the host public ip instead of manually doing it
  2. G

    How to set up wireguard to be connected to QEMU/KVM VM via WI-FI

    i found the public key on my vpn client i just need the private key
  3. G

    How to set up wireguard to be connected to QEMU/KVM VM via WI-FI

    alright i got the wireguard-tools installed typed in wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey where can i see where the private and public keys got generated in
  4. G

    How to set up wireguard to be connected to QEMU/KVM VM via WI-FI

    How can i setup the wireguard vpn (HOST) to be connected to the (Virtual Machine) im on device wlp2s0 (Wireless) i did hear that you cant use the brctl commands to bridge the wireguard interface to the bridge br0 i also tried the brctl commands it didnt work is there any way to connect my...