Recent content by Blade

  1. B

    New hard drive permissions

    G'day Wizard, "I'm baa..aack" :D:D:p I just mounted the drive in the file manager and, when I checked the permissions, success. All permissions are set to me as having full access on all three "levels". Objective attained, thank you very much Wizard. My NBN issue still remains unresolved. I...
  2. B

    New hard drive permissions

    Hi Wizard, Windy, cold & wet describes today quite well. Had to go out in it but, kept it as short as possible. My Fraudband (NBN) has been playing up almost since it was connected, The speed changes almost daily. Earlier to day I recorded my fastest ever download speed through and...
  3. B

    New hard drive permissions

    I have my odd moments of brilliance :p Output from Terminal: luke@Quad-Core:~$ sudo chown $USER:$USER /media/luke/3e55eacf-e466-4a05-8498-b823b5aafc5e [sudo] password for luke: luke@Quad-Core:~$ ls -l /media/luke total 8 drwxr-xr-x 3 luke luke 4096 May 9 13:46...
  4. B

    New hard drive permissions

    Wizard, Yes, just running a standard install of Xenial. System did not like me using the UUID as an identifier in Terminal, so I tried /dev/sdb1 instead. Output: luke@Quad-Core:~$ sudo chown luke:luke /media/luke/3e55eacf-e466-4a05-8498-b823b5aafc5e [sudo] password for luke: chown: cannot...
  5. B

    New hard drive permissions

    G'day Chris, Another Aussie here, based in Canberra (No Canberra bashing please). Linux Distro is: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and preparing to upgrade to 18.04 LTS once I get this drive sorted out. Cheers Luke Requested info: luke@Quad-Core:~$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda...
  6. B

    New hard drive permissions

    I just installed a SSD hard drive in my PC and configured it with gParted. After mounting it I accessed the drive and all the permissions are set to root. I can't remember if I use chmod or chown to change them over to me, as well a drawing a blank on the correct syntax for the command. I...