Locking my thread did not resolve the issue - close my account

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Plain and simple, Bob466 resorted to personal, ad hominem attacks. That does not speak well for his ability to intelligently interact with others. I expected management to edit his post and to discipline him...not lock the thread. I won't participate where personal attacks are permitted; since Linux.org staff permits personal attacks, please close my account.


Try posting as a newbie in a Slackware forum and see what you get if so soft-skinned and unwilling to use a search engine prior to addressing the forum with a question.
You could contact the mod that locked the topic andere ask their reasoning. As for what was said it was not very nice but I am not suprised since there is a lot of negativity when it comes to anti-vaxxers VS vaxxers discussions but sorry that happened. As for why some vaccinations need to to be adjusted andere renewed has nothing to do with the quality of the research or the vaccinations.
Thread locked.

One of the admins will be along shortly to delete your account. I'll ping them both to help speed things along.

@wizardfromoz @Rob
I can run with this. I will add a little more here shortly, and then attend to the OP's request a little later in my day.

Chris Turner
I'll repeat what I said at the thread that was subject to reporting, which is

I am locking this Thread for now, with a view to deleting it.

COVID is simply too emotive an issue, whether you are Pro-Vax or Anti-Vax.

The only Thread that is available for input on COVID is my thread begun Feb 5 (my time) last year, here


I would advise Members to read the entire Thread before they comment.

Chris Turner

I have deleted said thread from public view but it remains available to Staff to access it should the need arise.

I stand by my reputation and past actions in maintaining that no favouritism, nor prejudice, has been taken in the exercise of these actions.

You could contact the mod that locked the topic and ask their reasoning.

He has not, and so I accede to his request to terminate his Membership, and wish him luck in finding a better Forum.

Chris Turner
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