Do you understand everything in htop?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2024
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Hey guys, I really love htop program to monitor system activity, but there are many variables shown that take researching what they mean.
I found the following web site which documents in detail all of the numbers and columns, you might find it useful:


You can actually just use the man page for this one. It's very descriptive. It's on-par with the man page for the venerable top command. I prefer htop, when given the opportunity - and it's almost always available for me as it's an option in every distro I regularly use.

I did write this:

You can actually just use the man page for this one. It's very descriptive.
I really have to get used to man pages in terminal, I wish one day man command provides colorful output for easier reading.

I did write this:
Interesting, I'll read them both to get as much out of share knowledge, thanks!
I really have to get used to man pages in terminal, I wish one day man command provides colorful output for easier reading.

Interesting, I'll read them both to get as much out of share knowledge, thanks!

Seriously, check the man page for top: man top and then man htop.

Both are fantastic man pages. Not all man pages are created equal, I'm afraid. Some are very good and some appear to be an afterthought.

But, in this case, they're both remarkably good.
Seriously, check the man page for top: man top and then man htop.

Both are fantastic man pages. Not all man pages are created equal, I'm afraid. Some are very good and some appear to be an afterthought.
I did thanks, and I just spent some time on how to make man pages in terminal colored to make them more attractive to read compared to shiny online man pages.
But I'll make another thread about that.
It's a future article but you can do colored man pages a few ways.

`sudo apt install most
export PAGER=most`

Then run something like man top to see the results.

If you use ZSH I seem to recall it's even easier. I think it's a simple plugin but don't quote me on that.
`sudo apt install most
export PAGER=most`
I've been over this, but didn't like it because it uses termcap which according to man page is obsolete and kept for backward compatibility.
terminfo is newer but harder to grasp, but that's fine, I like modern ways to do things :)
I though this would be nothing new to you guru's, but for me, I discovered American continent lol
I've been over this, but didn't like it because it uses termcap which according to man page is obsolete and kept for backward compatibility.

Alas, it's the only way I know how. So, I'll learn something from your thread - hopefully.

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