Today's article had some AI help...


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Jul 23, 2020
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I tried writing this article but it was dry and I couldn't figure out what best to cover. Eventually, I figured I'd let ChatGPT have a shot at it and it did alright. It's not necessarily what I'd have highlighted but it does a great job at explaining it.

Mostly, I just wanted a grep article so that I could link to it and newer uses would be able to get a rough idea about it. I've done that for other topics and those get linked to consistently. It's also good for SEO purposes, which is nice.

I tried writing this article but it was dry and I couldn't figure out what best to cover. Eventually, I figured I'd let ChatGPT have a shot at it and it did alright. It's not necessarily what I'd have highlighted but it does a great job at explaining it.

Mostly, I just wanted a grep article so that I could link to it and newer uses would be able to get a rough idea about it. I've done that for other topics and those get linked to consistently. It's also good for SEO purposes, which is nice.
The difference in style is quite apparent. Usually the linux-tips articles have a judicious selection of examples for the command of interest, but this article, in addition to examples, lists a number of options without examples of their usage. Those lists of options in the article are reminiscent of man pages which, although more comprehensive, are not so expansive on practical examples that linux-tips excels in. Writing examples for each grep option using the regular expressions would doubtless make the article much longer, but the benefits for the reader could outweigh the extension of time. YMMV :) .
Writing examples for each grep option using the regular expressions would doubtless make the article much longer, but the benefits for the reader could outweigh the extension of time. YMMV :) .

That's another article that is on my plate. I want to do a REGEX article but it's a lot like this one in that I've no idea where to begin. I've also already pondered another article specifically about using regular expressions with grep, to expand on what the AI came up with.

Hmm... I wonder if AI would do well with those two subjects?

are not so expansive on practical examples that linux-tips excels in.

I like to give examples. I feel that sometimes the subject is a bit vague and that people get a better understanding from the examples.

Then again, I'm never quite sure what to expect with my readers. I fully expected someone to crack the PDF password in the example file in a recent article. Nope. Nobody did. If they did, they didn't say anything - and it takes maybe 30 seconds.

So, as far as practical examples go, I'm not sure if people do them or if they just read them. Either is okay, I'm just never quite sure what to expect.

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