EasyOS: An Experimental Distro With Unique Qualities

Watched a video review on it. The UI looks like something straight out on the '90s :eek:
I've got a old laptop sitting around, like an old pair of jeans that I just can't throw away, and mint wouldn't even boot to the grub menu Just a flashing cursor after choosing usb drive at boot options menu.
I'll give this a try, ty bro ;)
The UI looks like something straight out on the '90s :eek:
Cool looking imo I like simple.

I've got a old laptop sitting around, like an old pair of jeans that I just can't throw away, and mint wouldn't even boot to the grub menu Just a flashing cursor after choosing usb drive at boot options menu.
I'll give this a try, ty bro ;)
I recommend installing it as a frugal install on a usb flash drive.
It can also be installed as a frugal install onto a hard drive.
It certainly looks different. I am quite happy with Silverblue, but the flexibility of having four package managers available out of the box sounds neat, cheers!
Watched a video review on it. The UI looks like something straight out on the '90s :eek:
I've got a old laptop sitting around, like an old pair of jeans that I just can't throw away, and mint wouldn't even boot to the grub menu Just a flashing cursor after choosing usb drive at boot options menu.
I'll give this a try, ty bro ;)
Heh. Yeah.

Y'know, we always get this in the Puppy 'cosmos'. "Hell; it looks like it's 30 yrs old. Don't want that...!"

Part of the reason for that is that it keeps things simple. Most Puppians prefer setting things up - plus customization. Most customise to a certain extent anyway. The thing is, with Linux, ya learn to look more than just skin deep......if you judge your perception of summat on first appearances, that's a rather shallow 'take' on things in my view.

Graphic design has been an interest of mine for many, many years.....ever since I took my Art 'A'-level during my last years at school, in fact. I always customize the hell out of my desktops, right from scratch. Like this.....though I DO like a 'busy' desktop, so perhaps not to everyone's liking:-


I have what I call my 'infocentre' on the right; gKrellM, and Puppy's native Conky-based pWidgets. The 'docks' are my own simple ones.....drawn directly onto whatever background image I choose! I developed this concept back in my XP days, nearly 20 years ago.

Many like a very simple desktop, I know. This is just me.....

With most Puppy/Puppy-inspired/Puppy-based distros/respins, the effort tends to go into what's under the hood.....not what catches the prospective user's eye. We don't HAVE a 'team' that spends all its time producing a ton of funky artwork; most of these Puplets/derivatives are usually the work of a single individual. And there's a limit to how much one person can do, since most folks have no idea just how much work goes into building an operating system...

Mike. ;)
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Heh. Yeah.

Y'know, we always get this in the Puppy 'cosmos'. "Hell; it looks like it's 30 yrs old. Don't want that...!"

Part of the reason for that is that it keeps things simple. Most Puppians prefer setting things up - plus customization. Most customise to a certain extent anyway. The thing is, with Linux, ya learn to look more than just skin deep......if you judge your perception of summat on first appearances, that's a rather shallow 'take' on things in my view.

Many like a very simple desktop, I know. This is just me.....

Mike. ;)
Well said @MikeWalsh.
I don't know if I'm a real Puppian because I just install and use because it works for me.
I do install some extra software but not much.
Easy OS and Puppy comes with most everything most users might want and use and then some.
I don't mind the old style desktop background it's a WM and WM are simple and plain.
Eye candy and bells and whistles and other visual stuff use system resources.
That may not make any difference to most users with your Ferrari and Lotus and other high performance type computers.
Some of us as myself are still driving a VW Beetle type computer old and low powered because plain and simple is what we like and all we need.
Many like a very simple desktop, I know. This is just me....
That actually looks nice, especially compared to what I saw in the video!
By far my favorite (Puppy-Like) Linux distro and my daily driver.

That's it. :cool:
I just dropped Q4OS on a very old laptop that was giving me fits, thanks to @z7vl7abxc for his little tidbit of info.
The lappy has a 64 bit CPU and a 32 bit uefi implementation.
Which would explain why not a single X64 iso being able to boot :mad:
This lappy has the most basic bios I ever remember seeing.
At any rate Q4OS while Debian based is reminding me a little too much like Windoze, so I'll give Easy OS a try whem I'm feeling better (fighting am upper respriratory thing at the moment and feel miserable).
Cool looking imo I like simple.
I liked better the blue GUI before it reached "Kirkstone". And the logo which wasn't yet another dog. (shake head)

I think more "live" distros should be distributed as IMG. I really don't care what is the true advantage between IMG and ISO, except that an ISO is a pain to get to from a file manager without temporary "root" permission. I don't understand why a couple of distros like Porteus don't just come in a "dot-tar-dot-gz" or other general compressed format.

At any rate Q4OS while Debian based is reminding me a little too much like Windoze,
Sadly KDE Plasma will go further shooting people through the eyes, as was demonstrated so well by a distro talked about in a different thread on this site. Q4OS is a good distro, but I don't want Plasma v5.27 and later on my computer. I don't want something that drags performance and makes it even more boring to open Kate and other "home" applications than previously.

Sort of back on topic: I prefer the panel and a few other things about KDE, because the one on EasyOS is too weird. It's a drag navigating the same system settings panel as on Puppy Linux. To say again more clearly, it's slow, it shouldn't be.
Late to the party, but I've had EasyOS on a pendrive for a while now, it's a decent distro, but I still prefer to use my regular distro for 'serious' stuff - also have been looking into Porteus, another good distro. :)
Late to the party, but I've had EasyOS on a pendrive for a while now, it's a decent distro, but I still prefer to use my regular distro for 'serious' stuff - also have been looking into Porteus, another good distro. :)
@camtaf :-

Porteus is great fun.....once you get the hang of creating the 'modules' that all your software runs from. I'd recommend it to anyone; it seems even better at detecting odd hardware combinations than many mainstream distros are.

Running Porteus on my refurb'd Dell Latitude, it picked up and connected to the NetGear 'CardBus' wifi adapter that I use immediately. It didn't even try to use the built-in Broadcom b43; just ignored it. I found that quite impressive!

(Having said that, it was more likely down to the fact that the NetGear's needed ath5k driver has been an integral part of the kernel for several years.......whereas the b43 stuff needs to be downloaded & installed separately. The ath5k was already present, and available for use.)

Mike. ;)
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I liked better the blue GUI before it reached "Kirkstone". And the logo which wasn't yet another dog. (shake head)

I like the age old simple look of Easy OS although the color scheming leaves a lot to be desired.
I know it can be changed although it's not a one click pick and choose.
I tried changing it once and what a disaster so I'll just keep the default colors and use it you get used to it after a bit.
Anyway I'm into how a Linux distro works in everyday use more than how it looks.

Sort of back on topic: I prefer the panel and a few other things about KDE, because the one on EasyOS is too weird. It's a drag navigating the same system settings panel as on Puppy Linux. To say again more clearly, it's slow, it shouldn't be.

Hmm never heard of a slow Puppy distro.
Don't know why that would be.
Easy OS runs fast on my 13 year old desktop.
May I add: Multiboot capability of Limine is ... super easy.
I totally forgot about Grub, Grub 2 ... and the accompanying headache.:)
easy-5.7-amd64 is released. download_link I've been fascinated with Puppy Linux and related distros so I'm taking a look at it. I actually really like JWM, it has tons of options for such a lightweight desktop. In EasyOS I found a selector between JWM and ROX, when I did JWM my taskbar turned into a dock! That surprised me! But what's really blowing my mind is the containers!! I think there's a lot of options there, but I definitely need to do more study on it.

One of the Puppy distros I was playing with I found a thing a guy made that could flip the JWM desktop to a Mint style desktop or Windows style that was pretty cool, but I can't find it now. I would like to see a Puppy with a Moksha desktop like Bodhi Linux! But I need to do a lot of homework before I figure out if that's possible. I was looking at Moksha on Github and I couldn't even figure out how many mb it is, let alone how you go about changing an entire desktop.
Nice, im making my own os too, and i think that i've saw that easyos can run many types of linux installation package, and if true explain me how to do that, cuz i want to do that in my os
I just install it and use it OOTB.

The best place to learn about what Easy OS is able to run is here.


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