Xubuntu Server??

Well, I'm not a server guy, so @TechnoJunky or some of the others will be better equipped to describe how to setup any type of server. By the way, I'm sure you mean FTP, not FPT. :D

With my limited knowledge, I just know you should be careful with FTP... the basic stuff is not very secure. There is SFTP (Secure FTP) instead, and maybe other solutions as well.

Good luck!
Ok thats ok yes I ment FTP

As @atanere says, you should use SFTP. Plain FTP is very unsecure. It may not matter on a home network if your router locks down your network well enough, but setting up SFTP is simple if you're just setting it up for yourself to access each of your computers. You'll need to install openssh-server, this allows you to SSH into your server and also SFTP into it. Once installed all you do is run 'sftp (or ssh) yourname@computername' (or IP address). It'll ask for your password and to approve the SSH key, and then you're in. If you need to set it up for multiple users to connect, check out this article https://articlebin.michaelmilette.com/setting-up-openssh-sftp-on-ubuntu/.
Ok so how do I Install openssh-server and then what do I need to do after that,
If all you're wanting is to run a web server (at home) and you want a desktop interface for simplicity, you can just install Xubuntu and then Apache or NGENIX on it. That's what I do, except I don't use Xubuntu, I use Neon. I actually currently have a server running Neon which isn't the best idea because it's a cutting edge desktop OS verses a stable Long Term Support (LTS). But it works for a home server, serving up files and web pages to my house. Although it is a desktop OS, I run it headless and log in remotely as you would normally do with a server. I don't have all the bells and whistles installed, like Dos2Linux talks about because I don't need them at home. But I could install them on my desktop server because Linux doesn't care about blocking that type of stuff like MS does.

So maybe you can explain what you're looking to accomplish?
Just have a root folder where I can put html files ect. and I can use localhost, ip address ect.
Thats it.
You install it by going thru the prompts during the installation similar to how you would a regular desktop. However when it's done you only have the command prompt, looks like Terminal. You have to type in all the commands at the command line.

Due to this, you may just want to install Xubuntu instead of server, it can still ACT like a server and do all the stuff that a server does.
Ive tryed Windows Hyper-V Server and it was just CMD so I guess thats that same with Xubuntu Server
As @atanere says, you should use SFTP. Plain FTP is very unsecure. It may not matter on a home network if your router locks down your network well enough, but setting up SFTP is simple if you're just setting it up for yourself to access each of your computers. You'll need to install openssh-server, this allows you to SSH into your server and also SFTP into it. Once installed all you do is run 'sftp (or ssh) yourname@computername' (or IP address). It'll ask for your password and to approve the SSH key, and then you're in. If you need to set it up for multiple users to connect, check out this article https://articlebin.michaelmilette.com/setting-up-openssh-sftp-on-ubuntu/.
Ok I dont really understand like how do I get stated
If you're going to be running Linux, you really need to learn the Command Line Interface (CLI). Unlike Windows, the CLI is your friend in Linux. You can't really support a server without it, you can't SSH into another computer with out it, and there are tasks that you can't do otherwise. Here's a link to an online book about it, I think you should read. http://file.allitebooks.com/20190304/The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition.pdf

In my last post, I provided you a link on how to set it up. I said it was for setting up multiple FTP'ers, but it's a step by step instruction doc on setting it up from start to finish. Go to https://articlebin.michaelmilette.com/setting-up-openssh-sftp-on-ubuntu/.

For most anything on LInux, you can do an online search for 'how do I install/configure/do ______ in Ubuntu/Linux'. There are thousands of articles explaining how to do almost everything in Linux. I use www.duckduckgo.com for my online searches. They respect your privacy and don't track you like google does. If you get stuck or don't understand what the website it telling you, ask us.
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If you're going to be running Linux, you really need to learn the Command Line Interface (CLI). Unlike Windows, the CLI is your friend in Linux. You can't really support a server without it, you can't SSH into another computer with out it, and there are tasks that you can't do otherwise. Here's a link to an online book about it, I think you should read. http://file.allitebooks.com/20190304/The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition.pdf

In my last post, I provided you a link on how to set it up. I said it was for setting up multiple FTP'ers, but it's a step by step instruction doc on setting it up from start to finish. Go to https://articlebin.michaelmilette.com/setting-up-openssh-sftp-on-ubuntu/.

For most anything on LInux, you can do an online search for 'how do I install/configure/do ______ in Ubuntu/Linux'. There are thousands of articles explaining how to do almost everything in Linux. I use www.duckduckgo.com for my online searches. They respect your privacy and don't track you like google does. If you get stuck or don't understand what the website it telling you, ask us.
Ok thats grate thanks for that link it should really help with setting up FTP

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