Will Linux work on an HP Netbook

You should find it in the software manager of the distribution you have installed, It is always best to use the build supplied with your distribution as , it will have been tested for that particular build

Actually, I can thoroughly recommend the LibreOffice AppImages. These are "official", properly-built AppImages, endorsed and produced by the LibreOffice community themselves.

They work well with 'our Pup's' oddball method of running, being able to run from outside the 'save', thus not filling it up unnecessarily. They're also incredibly easy to share between distros, since in many cases they've been re-compiled, by the community themselves, to work with as old a run-time environment as possible. They still have all the up-to-date, secure features, just able to run on older distros if needed, because the requirements are fairly 'generic'......very much along the lines of how Google build Chrome, in order to make it available to the widest possible user-base.

(The Chromium Project may build to require cutting-edge versions of everything, but Google then take the code-base and re-compile it to use much older versions, while at the same time still remaining secure. Doesn't make much sense, does it?.......but that's what they've been doing for years, and it explains why their user-base is as large as it is).

Mike. ;)
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Brickwizard 070423 Putting Project on Hold

Dear Brickwizard and others, I am Putting this Project on Hold. When I booted up the HP Mini to install Libre Office, I got the following error message:

Press the ESC Key for Startup Menu

Boot Device Not Found

Please install an operating system on your hard disk.

Hard Disk (3FO)

F2 System Diagnostics

For more information, please visit: www.hp.com\go\techcenter\startup


I am surprised. I never had any problem with this hard drive, and have hardly used the HP Mini. It was working perfectly 5 months ago, when last I used it. JC
Not a problem, we will be here when you're ready
to save others making post, please go back to your first post edit and mark as solved

Dear Brickwizard, I can't seem to find a place to mark the thread as solved.
a place to mark the thread as solved.
Go back to your first post, click on edit, there is a dropdown box to the left of the thread title click on , select solved and save edit
To Brickwizard 280423 Successfully created boot USB, installed Linux Puppy

Dear Brickwizard, I Successfully created a boot USB, and installed Linux Puppy on it. I have used it to boot up all 4 of my computers.

As to the HP Netbook I was going to use to try out Linux, I was never able to get the installed hard drive to work, after having not used it for 5 months. So I bought a used hard drive and installed it. Since then I have been using it and the
boot USB, with Linux Puppy installed, to try out Linux. I am reading "Linux for Dummies" to get to know Linux. Thanks for your help.
I will probably have more questions. How can I reach you? JC

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