wifi not working on Thinkpad x201 running Mint


New Member
Sep 25, 2017
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Did not see anything like this in the forums so here goes.
Just purchased a Thinkpad X201 that came installed with Mint. Great laptop. I was able to connect with guest password on my home network (did not have my network password). Then did an update and wifi stopped working. Ethernet works like a charm. The wifi light is on, and I see all of my two network access points and the guest access I used before the update. I cannot connect. I tried using the same configuration as my desktop and no joy. iwconfig output is:

user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ ipconfig
No command 'ipconfig' found, did you mean:
Command 'ifconfig' from package 'net-tools' (main)
Command 'iwconfig' from package 'wireless-tools' (main)
Command 'iconfig' from package 'ipmiutil' (universe)
ipconfig: command not found
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ Iwconfig
No command 'Iwconfig' found, did you mean:
Command 'iwconfig' from package 'wireless-tools' (main)
Iwconfig: command not found
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ iwconfig
enp0s25 no wireless extensions.

wlp2s0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:eek:ff/any
Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry short limit:7 RTS thr=2347 B Fragment thr:eek:ff
Power Management:eek:n

lo no wireless extensions.

user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $

Thanks in advance for the help. I have had vexing wifi issues before and a forum like this was a lifesaver for me. Linux user now for over 20 years, but certainly no expert.

Hi @Mendel and welcome to linux.org :)

From your File Manager, or from Terminal, can you please give us the content of

/var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state. It should look something like this:


Also, silly question, I know, but is there a hard switch on your modem-router for Wireless and is it turned on?


Thank you for the quick response! Here is what I got:
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $

No joy! I was hoping that something would have been switched off. That would have been an easy fix? Just editing?

There is a hard switch and it is turned on. Also, I am working upstairs plugged via ethernet into a Netgear extender which is getting the signal from the main router downstairs.

In the event it might be useful, here is the kernel version I am running on Mint:
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ uname -a
Linux user-ThinkPad-X201 4.10.0-35-generic #39~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 13 09:02:42 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $

By the way I am Running Mint 18.2 Sonya
Here is some other information. I switched off the ethernet and tried the wireless:
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ iwconfig
enp0s25 no wireless extensions.

wlp2s0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:eek:ff/any
Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry short limit:7 RTS thr=2347 B Fragment thr:eek:ff
Power Management:eek:n

lo no wireless extensions.
I like the BTW, I was going to ask. If I can get your DE (Desktop Environment) as well, that is handy if I am giving directions re Menus &c.


... will reveal if you are not certain.

OK, so we are using the systemd environment, as I would expect, and we can try the following, which will briefly switch off your Network Manager and then switch it back on again. This from the wireless environment. At Terminal, you will see no output, just be returned to the prompt, but if you watch your screen, you may see a message saying that you are being disconnected, then a few seconds later, another message saying you are being connected.

sudo systemctl restart network-manager

See how you go with that. If that provides no joy, I will give you a couple of instructions to check a file called syslog (which can be very long, so we will only look at the tail end) and see if that reveals something illuminating.

BTW the "no wireless extensions" is a red herring, means nothing - I have both those entries & I am operating on wireless as we "speak".

Back soon, gotta pop over to another Topic.

Bit of brainstorming:


Also, I am working upstairs plugged via ethernet into a Netgear extender which is getting the signal from the main router downstairs.

Begs the questions:
  1. Do you have a computer downstairs and is it using wireless or ethernet?

  2. If so, are you able to swap them over and check the wireless is working?
Seeking to eliminate problems with the Netgear hardware here, you’ll get the idea.



From your iwconfig output, you have, amongst other data

wlp2s0 (from the line wlp2s0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID o

This is your logical name for the wireless connectivity interface.

A lot of people may have eg “wlan0” (zero).

I have wlx68a3c43b1ec6 – go figure.

Being armed with that knowledge will help.

sudo lshw -C network

… will tell you a lot about both your ethernet and wireless information. In particular, there should be a line starting “description: wireless interface”, and below it a line saying “logical name: wlp2s0”, and a line below that which features “configuration: broadcast=yes driver=<your driver name> ip=1.xxx.yyy.z.abc

… or similar. Note that driver description down, exactly.

You can also get the driver name from the command

ethtool -i wlp2s0 | grep driver

… where for the benefit of the rest of The Viewers, you would substitute that logical name you had established from the output of iwconfig.

In my case, both methods reveal that I have a Realtek driver: r8712u

… and a search under that reveals its presence as follows:

locate *r8712u*








I am going to have to leave it from here for now, but if you can try a few of these options, we can tell more.

As a final disclaimer, my knowledge on wireless is very limited, so if someone picks up the ball and runs with it, you could do worse.

Good luck

I like the BTW, I was going to ask. If I can get your DE (Desktop Environment) as well, that is handy if I am giving directions re Menus &c.


... will reveal if you are not certain.

OK, so we are using the systemd environment, as I would expect, and we can try the following, which will briefly switch off your Network Manager and then switch it back on again. This from the wireless environment. At Terminal, you will see no output, just be returned to the prompt, but if you watch your screen, you may see a message saying that you are being disconnected, then a few seconds later, another message saying you are being connected.

sudo systemctl restart network-manager

See how you go with that. If that provides no joy, I will give you a couple of instructions to check a file called syslog (which can be very long, so we will only look at the tail end) and see if that reveals something illuminating.

BTW the "no wireless extensions" is a red herring, means nothing - I have both those entries & I am operating on wireless as we "speak".

Back soon, gotta pop over to another Topic.

Ok. Lots to report. I ran the following commands and got the following responses from the command line:

user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ sudo systemctl restart network-manager
[sudo] password for user:
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ echo $DESKTOP_SESSION
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ ethtool -i wlp2s0 | grep driver
driver: rtl8192se
user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $

As you can see my driver is a rtl8192se. I ran locate and got this output:

user@user-ThinkPad-X201 ~ $ locate rtl8192se
Good morning @Mendel I have a coffee in my hand and am ready for "work".

Ta (pron. "tar" Aussie & English for thank you) for that output, so it appears you have the requisite driver/s, and I take it that the Network Manager restart had no favourable outcome?

I could use a response to that "Method 1" described above. Other than that we could take a look at syslog.

You could open your FM (File Manager) which is Nemo with Cinnamon, and click File System, this will reveal Folders named from bin to var.

Open var, and then open log. In log you will have syslog, perhaps only a few hundred kB in size, also its saved and archived versions eg syslog.1 etc, and archived versions perhaps eg syslog.2.gz, we are only interested in the latest, syslog, which may be only a few minutes old.

It is a text file and safe to click or doubleclick and open. Do so. You can scroll to the end (could be 100 to 5,000 lines long, don't be daunted), click in that last line and it will reveal how many lines to the file in a format (depending on your pointer insertion point listed in lines and columns) eg mine now has

Ln 290, Col 181

If you are in there for more than a few minutes you may get a message that syslog has changed, do you want to update (background processes running constantly) you can click Yes or cancel.

Exit the file, you may get a message about close without saving, just choose that option.

Then I would like you to 1. re-run that command

sudo systemctl restart network-manager

and let it complete showing any messages

2. Walk away from the computer for 10 to 30 minutes, make a coffee and come back.

Once you are back, follow the following procedure:

  1. In Nemo, reopen that syslog file, you will be in Mint Cinnamon's Text Editor xed.
  2. From xed's menu choose Search and Find, type and enter "stopping" without quotes and you will likely be taken to a line that includes "Stopping Network Manager", also likely closely followed by one "Stopped Network Manager" and one "Starting Network Manager". Click on the "stopping" line and note the line number only, mine is Ln 348.
  3. Scroll to the end of the file and click that line, mine is Ln 532. So 532 minus 348 equals 184 lines have been added by the process. You can get your relevant figure and note it down.
  4. Close the file and off to Terminal, but first
When you found that "stopping" line, you may see that your coffee break is easily determined with some of the time stamp differences a few lines up, I find this makes it easier to find where a series of events happened.

At Terminal, and armed with that numeric figure of extra lines added, I type in and Enter (and password OK)

tail -f /var/log/syslog -n 230

In the console will appear the last 230 lines of my syslog. Bearing in mind that my magic number was 184 I have allowed a little extra (about 50).

"tail" will sit there with a pregnant pause, so just Ctrl-C to break out of it.

My first line looks like this. but the ones I am interested in capturing from is the one following, note the time gap

Sep 26 09:01:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage kernel: [ 7540.168035] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlx68a3c43b1ec6 OUT= MAC=68:a3:c4:3b:1e:c6:10:fe:ed:e5:56:8c:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=36 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2


Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage systemd[1]: Stopping Network Manager...
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info>  [1506384456.3897] caught SIGTERM, shutting down normally.

So I can either copy and paste these many many lines into a text file and upload it (attach) to my linux.org Reply Message, or I can insert it in a Spoiler as follows:

Sep 26 10:06:08 SonyaCinnamonGarage kernel: [11400.112286] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlx68a3c43b1ec6 OUT= MAC=68:a3:c4:3b:1e:c6:10:fe:ed:e5:56:8c:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=36 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage systemd[1]: Stopping Network Manager...
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info> [1506384456.3897] caught SIGTERM, shutting down normally.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info> [1506384456.3898] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state change: activated -> deactivating (reason 'unmanaged') [100 110 3]
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info> [1506384456.3900] manager: NetworkManager state is now DISCONNECTING
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info> [1506384456.4320] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state change: deactivating -> unmanaged (reason 'removed') [110 10 36]
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info> [1506384456.4964] dhcp4 (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 5162
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info> [1506384456.4965] dhcp4 (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state changed bound -> done
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage avahi-daemon[939]: Withdrawing address record for on wlx68a3c43b1ec6.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage avahi-daemon[939]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface wlx68a3c43b1ec6.IPv4 with address
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage avahi-daemon[939]: Interface wlx68a3c43b1ec6.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage wpa_supplicant[1290]: wlx68a3c43b1ec6: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=10:fe:ed:e5:56:8c reason=3 locally_generated=1
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage avahi-daemon[939]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::b99f:448e:4ee7:ee9 on wlx68a3c43b1ec6.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info> [1506384456.4978] dns-mgr: Writing DNS information to /sbin/resolvconf
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage avahi-daemon[939]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface wlx68a3c43b1ec6.IPv6 with address fe80::b99f:448e:4ee7:ee9.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage avahi-daemon[939]: Interface wlx68a3c43b1ec6.IPv6 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage dnsmasq[5173]: setting upstream servers from DBus
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info> [1506384456.5034] manager: NetworkManager state is now DISCONNECTED
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage dbus[974]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service'
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service...
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[5143]: <info> [1506384456.5061] exiting (success)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage systemd[1]: Stopped Network Manager.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager...
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage dbus[974]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher'
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage systemd[1]: Started Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5212] NetworkManager (version 1.2.6) is starting...
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5212] Read config: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf (etc: default-wifi-powersave-on.conf)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5247] manager[0xc5d1c0]: monitoring kernel firmware directory '/lib/firmware'.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5247] monitoring ifupdown state file '/run/network/ifstate'.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5265] dns-mgr[0xc57960]: init: dns=dnsmasq, rc-manager=resolvconf, plugin=dnsmasq
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage systemd[1]: Started Network Manager.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5303] init!
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5305] management mode: unmanaged
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5308] devices added (path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:19.0/net/eno1, iface: eno1)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5308] device added (path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:19.0/net/eno1, iface: eno1): no ifupdown configuration found.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5308] devices added (path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.8/2-1.8:1.0/net/wlx68a3c43b1ec6, iface: wlx68a3c43b1ec6)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5309] device added (path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.8/2-1.8:1.0/net/wlx68a3c43b1ec6, iface: wlx68a3c43b1ec6): no ifupdown configuration found.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5309] devices added (path: /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo, iface: lo)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5309] device added (path: /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo, iface: lo): no ifupdown configuration found.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5309] end _init.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5309] settings: loaded plugin ifupdown: (C) 2008 Canonical Ltd. To report bugs please use the NetworkManager mailing list. (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/libnm-settings-plugin-ifupdown.so)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5310] settings: loaded plugin keyfile: (c) 2007 - 2015 Red Hat, Inc. To report bugs please use the NetworkManager mailing list.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5311] SettingsPlugin-Ofono: init!
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <warn> [1506384456.5311] SettingsPlugin-Ofono: file doesn't exist: /var/lib/ofono
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5311] SettingsPlugin-Ofono: end _init.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5312] settings: loaded plugin ofono: (C) 2013-2016 Canonical Ltd. To report bugs please use the NetworkManager mailing list. (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/libnm-settings-plugin-ofono.so)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5312] (13083552) ... get_connections.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5312] (13083552) ... get_connections (managed=false): return empty list.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5470] keyfile: new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Auto TP-LINK_E5568C (eae1419b-6c51-4a63-9f07-33e755a844b1,"Auto TP-LINK_E5568C")
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5472] SettingsPlugin-Ofono: (13083776) ... get_connections.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5472] SettingsPlugin-Ofono: (13083776) connections count: 0
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.5473] get unmanaged devices count: 0
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage dbus[974]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service'
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage dbus[974]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6084] settings: hostname: using hostnamed
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6085] settings: hostname changed from (none) to "SonyaCinnamonGarage"
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6087] Using DHCP client 'dhclient'
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6087] manager: WiFi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6087] manager: WWAN enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (1 scripts)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6087] manager: Networking is enabled by state file
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6088] Loaded device plugin: NMVxlanFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6088] Loaded device plugin: NMVlanFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6089] Loaded device plugin: NMVethFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6089] Loaded device plugin: NMTunFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6089] Loaded device plugin: NMMacvlanFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6090] Loaded device plugin: NMIPTunnelFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6090] Loaded device plugin: NMInfinibandFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6090] Loaded device plugin: NMEthernetFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6090] Loaded device plugin: NMBridgeFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6091] Loaded device plugin: NMBondFactory (internal)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6095] Loaded device plugin: NMAtmManager (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/libnm-device-plugin-adsl.so)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6102] Loaded device plugin: NMWwanFactory (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/libnm-device-plugin-wwan.so)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6105] Loaded device plugin: NMWifiFactory (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/libnm-device-plugin-wifi.so)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.6109] Loaded device plugin: NMBluezManager (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/NetworkManager/libnm-device-plugin-bluetooth.so)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.7652] (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): driver does not support SSID scans (scan_capa 0x00).
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.7652] (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): using WEXT for WiFi device control
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.7669] manager: (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): new 802.11 WiFi device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0)
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384456.7683] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed') [10 20 2]
Sep 26 10:07:36 SonyaCinnamonGarage kernel: [11488.483948] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlx68a3c43b1ec6: link is not ready
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.2794] manager: (eno1): new Ethernet device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1)
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.2806] keyfile: add connection in-memory (398b3e0d-e35f-348c-ad88-f31ee4124f6d,"Wired connection 1")
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage kernel: [11489.992414] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlx68a3c43b1ec6: link is not ready
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.2811] settings: (eno1): created default wired connection 'Wired connection 1'
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.2822] device (eno1): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed') [10 20 2]
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: nm_device_get_device_type: assertion 'NM_IS_DEVICE (self)' failed
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.2834] device (lo): link connected
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.2843] manager: (lo): new Generic device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2)
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage kernel: [11489.997675] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eno1: link is not ready
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.2906] urfkill disappeared from the bus
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.3049] bluez: use BlueZ version 5
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.3078] ModemManager available in the bus
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.3082] ofono is now available
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.3083] supplicant: wpa_supplicant running
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.3083] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): supplicant interface state: init -> starting
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <warn> [1506384458.3091] failed to enumerate oFono devices: GDBus.Error:eek:rg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage wpa_supplicant[1290]: nl80211: Driver does not support authentication/association or connect commands
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage wpa_supplicant[1290]: nl80211: deinit ifname=wlx68a3c43b1ec6 disabled_11b_rates=0
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage wpa_supplicant[1290]: ioctl[SIOCSIWAP]: Device or resource busy
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage wpa_supplicant[1290]: ioctl[SIOCSIWESSID]: Device or resource busy
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage wpa_supplicant[1290]: dbus: wpa_dbus_get_object_properties: failed to get object properties: (none) none
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage wpa_supplicant[1290]: dbus: Failed to construct signal
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.3727] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): supplicant interface state: starting -> ready
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384458.3728] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'supplicant-available') [20 30 42]
Sep 26 10:07:38 SonyaCinnamonGarage kernel: [11490.088259] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlx68a3c43b1ec6: link is not ready
Sep 26 10:07:39 SonyaCinnamonGarage ntpd[1348]: Deleting interface #6 wlx68a3c43b1ec6,, interface stats: received=77, sent=84, dropped=0, active_time=4317 secs
Sep 26 10:07:39 SonyaCinnamonGarage ntpd[1348]: local addr -> <null>
Sep 26 10:07:39 SonyaCinnamonGarage ntpd[1348]: local addr -> <null>
Sep 26 10:07:39 SonyaCinnamonGarage ntpd[1348]: local addr -> <null>
Sep 26 10:07:39 SonyaCinnamonGarage ntpd[1348]: local addr -> <null>
Sep 26 10:07:39 SonyaCinnamonGarage ntpd[1348]: local addr -> <null>
Sep 26 10:07:39 SonyaCinnamonGarage ntpd[1348]: Deleting interface #7 wlx68a3c43b1ec6, fe80::b99f:448e:4ee7:ee9%3#123, interface stats: received=0, sent=0, dropped=0, active_time=4317 secs
Sep 26 10:07:46 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384466.2882] manager: WiFi hardware radio set enabled
Sep 26 10:07:46 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384466.2882] manager: WWAN hardware radio set enabled
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.3801] manager: startup complete
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.3826] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): supplicant interface state: ready -> inactive
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.3828] policy: auto-activating connection 'Auto TP-LINK_E5568C'
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.3837] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): Activation: starting connection 'Auto TP-LINK_E5568C' (eae1419b-6c51-4a63-9f07-33e755a844b1)
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.3838] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none') [30 40 0]
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.3839] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTING
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.3844] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [40 50 0]
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.3846] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): Activation: (wifi) access point 'Auto TP-LINK_E5568C' has security, but secrets are required.
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.3846] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state change: config -> need-auth (reason 'none') [50 60 0]
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.4127] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state change: need-auth -> prepare (reason 'none') [60 40 0]
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.4132] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [40 50 0]
Sep 26 10:07:48 SonyaCinnamonGarage NetworkManager[6180]: <info> [1506384468.4135] device (wlx68a3c43b1ec6): Activation: (wifi) connection 'Auto TP-LINK_E5568C' has security, and secrets exist. No new secrets needed.

Spoiler you can find in your Reply Pane toolbar click the Plus sign +, choose Spoiler, and paste between SPOILER and /SPOILER

If you can do that for us, we can take a look if see if anything is manifestly clear.



BTW if you get a message from linux.org saying Please post a message of less than 30,000 characters, save to a text file and upload.

Edited added BTW
Method 1 response: The other computer downstairs is working off of the wifi with no problem - as is the Window$ machine. Working on the other stuff now.
Syslog output is: Sep 25 20:18:48 user-ThinkPad-X201 anacron[5855]: Job `cron.daily' terminated

Syslog1 has over 16,000 lines. There is no syslog2, etc.

Going to work a bit and get back with you in a bit. Just updating.
Weirdness. After I ran that command it went to my guest account login page, which is how I first got onto the internet before this all started. I signed in using my "guest" password. Turned off the ethernet. and Now I am on my wifi. Which is working. ?!!!!!

I have my cable modem downstairs that goes into my router.
Here is everything that happened during my "coffee break:"

Sep 25 20:18:26 user-ThinkPad-X201 systemd[1]: Stopping Make remote CUPS printers available locally...
Sep 25 20:18:26 user-ThinkPad-X201 systemd[1]: Stopped Make remote CUPS printers available locally.
Sep 25 20:18:26 user-ThinkPad-X201 systemd[1]: Stopping CUPS Scheduler...
Sep 25 20:18:26 user-ThinkPad-X201 systemd[1]: Stopped CUPS Scheduler.
Sep 25 20:18:26 user-ThinkPad-X201 systemd[1]: Stopped CUPS Scheduler.
Sep 25 20:18:26 user-ThinkPad-X201 systemd[1]: Stopping CUPS Scheduler.
Sep 25 20:18:26 user-ThinkPad-X201 systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler.
Sep 25 20:18:26 user-ThinkPad-X201 systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler.
Sep 25 20:18:26 user-ThinkPad-X201 systemd[1]: Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally.
Sep 25 20:18:27 user-ThinkPad-X201 rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.16.0" x-pid="898" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] rsyslogd was HUPed

I hope this is what you were looking for. Thanks for the patience and the help. So, now I am wondering is this problem fixed? I am hesitant to try the other access points since guest is working for me. Did trying to log into the other access points somehow cause this problem?

Wifi, inexplixably, is still working after one reboot. I am going to try it again.
Last edited:
Hi @Mendel back in Sonya Cinnamon now was working on an upcoming Tutorial on Timeshift and was in Manjaro where you have to hold your mouth the right way to install it, and Manjaro hides its syslog differently so came back here.

Mostly good news from the sounds of it.

Syslog1 has over 16,000 lines

They can get to be big suckers, lol.

I did not think of CUPS (Common Universal Printing System), should have specified a search under "stopping network manager". By the time you get to eg "stopping net" it will have found instances of it, then if need be choose Next repeatedly until you find the one that matches your coffee break timing.

You can still do that if you wish - file should be called syslog not syslog1, when Linux makes the first syslog redundant (sometimes in one day, else 3 - 5 days max), it "saves as" to eg syslog.1, syslog.2 &c.

I'll not really happy about that "guest" account but...

In any event, if it ain't broke don't fix it, but if problems repeat, we'll try to call in the cavalry (my friends and colleagues here) and I'll sit on the sidelines and watch and learn and wish you well.

My expertise lies mostly in multibooting Linux (I run 50 - 70 at a time).

I turn 60 tomorrow (noted your profile), we seem to be attracting all sorts of people in their 60s and 70s lately, which is great (no offence to the young'uns).

As for

Toda, in Hebrew תוד

right back at you


Cheated, love Google.


Begs the questions:
  1. Do you have a computer downstairs and is it using wireless or ethernet?

  2. If so, are you able to swap them over and check the wireless is working?
Seeking to eliminate problems with the Netgear hardware here, you’ll get the idea.

I'm late to the party, but I also would have questioned the Netgear Extender. I've had trouble with one of those before too. Welcome @Mendel, and I hope that the wifi keeps working properly for you now.
