Solved Symbolic links

Solved issue


May 23, 2023
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Wine creates symbolic links to the /home folder for various directories such as Documents and Downloads. How do I remove them from being symbolic links? I don't want to delete the directories, 'cause they link to folders that have contents I want. I just want to remove the link, without deleting the directories. So, a link to my /home/<name>/Downloads folder becomes a new folder called "Downloads". How would I do that?

I looks like "rm" will do it. Is there anything I need to be cautious about. These links shouldn't be hardlinks becuase they are not on another filesystem.

Solved: Tested with "rm <path/to/symlink>". It works. Sorry to waste digital paper. A quick net search answered this easily.
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Not a problem, we all had to learn - the internet can come up with a surprising amount of answers, you just have to know how to ask the question..... ;)
Yeah, it's all about the keywords. I've seen tons of searches over the years that came up bunk, but switching 1 or 2 keywords—gold.
Yeah, it's all about the keywords
I always start my search either Linux [or the distribution family [Debian, Slackware, RHEL]] it cuts out a lot of crap,
It's like asking a question here, say.. Why won't my Wi-Fi work? Opposed to why won't my TP link Wi-Fi not work?[ most of us know TP use RTL chipsets so we are already 2 steps ahead]

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