Splintered Thread from___Drive Failure Imminent_"Last Option"

Look what I found all by myself!!!



  1. Shut down Last Option
  2. Remove the 125 GB USB drive
  3. Plug in the old 65 GB USB drive
  4. Boot into live linux
  5. Then do all that other stuff
I'm going to save a screen shot here with the tech specs for this laptop,
I don't want to have find this again.

I probably got them around the same time as you - might be a good idea to grab the PDF of the manual too?
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I probably got them around the same time as you - might be a good idea to grab the PDF of the manual too?

I wish you'd said that BEFORE I signed out! Now I have to find it again.

Not only that, but I'll have to save the PDF to my Google Drive.

THAT means I have to sign into Google again, which means I have to go through all the security measure I have set in place so I can get into my account
Just a thought....

The Linux files were burned to this 65 GB USB using Etcher.

The Linux files on the 125 GB drive were burned using Rufus
OK from the lsblk output, the drive is recognised as /dev/sdb and that is confirmed with the Disks output you posted which I have just read.

However, the output from fdisk doesn't show it.

Disks shows it, but Gparted gets indigestion.

I'll put my thinking cap on.

Keep both sticks handy, I have an idea for the Rufus one.

Let me know when you are tired
Let me know when you are tired

I want to get this done. I'm tired putting things in the panel I know I'll probably and sign in the my Firefox account... And other things everytime I have to shut down Last Option!
I'm going to make something to eat while you're thinking. I won't be far away though.
I'm tired putting things in the panel
I have an idea for the Rufus one.

A Flash drive burned with Etcher can not easily be made Persistent, but a flash burned with Rufus can be. I would just have to find an article I was reading yesterday, I have not used Rufus before.

In the meantime, you could have a read of the linked article and see if you follow it, and we can still try using fdisk to make a Linux partition (just the one for now) on Last Option

In the article, you would stop before "Mount the file system (optional) and Part 3.

Bad Sectors Explained: Why Hard Drives Get Bad Sectors and What You Can Do About It

"There are two types of bad sectors..... and one resulting from software errors that can be fixed."

I've heard of bad sectors, but didn't know what they are. I usually learn about this sort of thing when it's a problem for me or if I'm trying to hep someone.

Knowing my ex the way I did, this particular bad sector could easily result from software. I can't even begin to tell you about the stupid things he did....

But he's also careless....
He used Windex to clean everything!
I do mean that literally, every single thing. I'm surprised he didn't bathe in it!
I am going to have to call it quits for a while - have several distros to run updates and Timeshift snapshots on, but before I go, I will leave a summary of where I am headed so that anyone with knowledge can pick up and run with the ball, or they may have a better idea worth entertaining.

I'll put it together.
I'm doing some reading too. I haven't read the entire article yet. It looks like reformatting and entire disk could not fix it, but the bad sector would be marked as unusable.

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