<solved> LG Gram and booting from USB

Jeffrey Lapinski

Active Member
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
I'm having a bit of an issue with a new LG Gram laptop that I just purchased. I was successfully able to nuke WIndows 10 and install LM 19.2 on a 125 GB partition (256 GB SSD) but I am now unable to boot a different distribution from USB. I tried to disable the UEFI and when I do I go to a "grub" like screen that gives me a list of boot options but won't accept any of them? A brief search revealed that there are some issues with the BIOS on this model, just want to know if anyone here has any suggestions!

Thanks as always!

First you shouldn't disable UEFI. Just disable Secure Boot. Disabling UEFI will disable any installed OS. Secondly, if it's known to have bios issues, try flashing the bios with the newest version. Also tell us what errors you get when you attempt to boot up to the other distros on the USB.
That's what I thought (in re UEFI) but I am not seeing where I can disable secure boot in the Bios. I am not sure how to update the Bios. As far as errors, I am not getting any error message. Even though I have the USB drive listed as the 1st in the boot priority it always boots to LM 19.2.
Now it will load the USB and show me the boot screen but will not load the iso (tried on a few different iso to be sure it wasn't a bad copy) o_O
G'day Jeffrey, I'll be in and out shopping on my Saturday morning :)

1.Are you able to take a phone pic of the boot screen and any messages, or is it just stalling and not revealing any information?

2. Is Tina working successfully and is it just that you are looking to install another Distro via the USB or what is the plan, m'man?

3. When you installed Tina did you choose to erase entire disk and install, or nuke Windows some other way?


Evening Wiz,
1. TIna is working beautifully! (Manjaro is getting wonky lately so I switched back to LM with the new release)

2. It just freezing, no error messages or anything. I tried the new release of Neptune which I put on another machine without issue, now I get as far as the screen with the logo and it freezes, same with Netrunner. So I tried Neon and that is just a blank screen.

3. To nuke windows I went into the installer and wiped the disk. I set a 300 mib partition for the EFI and a 125 GB partition as "/" for Tina.

4. Over all plan is to have Tina and one other distro with KDE plasma (I tried to install it over top Tina but it doesn't work as it did in the past)

So I tried with NetRunner again and I got this error before the system booted into LM


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    Screenshot from 2019-08-23 19-58-43.png
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Mate #7 looks fine, but with 2. it seems there is a pattern being established, that has to do with your new rig.

I am not familiar with the LG Gram, it is new to me. Does it have a company BIOS setup utility (such as Dell have) or a regular brand name such as Insyde, &c?

I'll look into #8.

On #9, the PK/KEK stuff is not usually set unless you choose to set it up with Administration keys.

TJ (@TechnoJunky ) or others, do you know more about that than I?

On your Distro choices generally - I like Neptune have it on my other rig, have to upgrade, but I am following a plan for that rig so won't get ahead of myself (has 50 partitions, treat with care!)

Netrunner - did you get the new Debian-based one? They also have an Arch flavour, I have both but yet to get the new (likewise with the plan).

The original Netrunner folded a few years ago, some of the blokes who were involved started up Maui, which was Debian-based and with KDE you would like that - gobsmackingly gorgeous wallpapers as well. It generated at least 2 editions Aurora and I forget the other.

Then Netrunner arose again like the phoenix out of the ashes.

I'll look around, but you know the drill by now, with the timezones - if someone else comes along with good advice, go for it and Wizard will play catch up :). TJ uses Neon as you can see from his siggy.

I tried to install it over top Tina but it doesn't work as it did in the past)

Doesn't surprise me, since Clem ditched it after 18.3 but I'll note that in my Knowledge Base, ta for sharing.


Thank you as always! I just ordered a new 1TB 3D NAND NVMe PCIe M.2 SS for this so I am going to wait until it arrives before mucking with it any further!

I did get the Debian ed Netrunner (I don't want to play with the kernel panic issues or was that only with Manjaro??)

I will keep my eye out for advice on this problem, I tend to place the blame on something I did or neglected to do!!

Take care!
"To be able to boot from USB media, get into BIOS with the F2 key and under 'Advanced', disable 'UEFI Boot' and enable 'Legacy OS Boot'."

There is no option to enable Legacy OS boot in the bios. I actually did see this post a few days ago.
(I don't want to play with the kernel panic issues or was that only with Manjaro??)

Applies to all Arch-based Distros I have used. That config file I wrote about elsewhere is the only workaround I have found so far.

The only Distro I have found that is Arch-based-friendly in that regard is openSUSE.

Just read the above ... sweet as ... goodonyer.

Now set up Timeshift on Netrunner, get the .deb from


and it's already on Linux Mint.

The August 2019 TS is available for Debian-based but Tony has not got the RPM and other up yet.


Yes! I have all the threads saved from the tutorial you gave on fixing the config and adding a custom script. I was “in love” with Manjaro until recently when it seemed to get very buggy. My guess is that this is to be expected with the rolling release model. I opted to escape back to LM for the stability.

On a separate note, you’re correct! The NetRunner is gorgeous! Haven’t had much time to play with it yet. This set up is temporary as I have a new 1Tb SSD in transit and I plan to install it in the new Gram.
Ok I spoke too soon. I am getting the ACPI error scrolled at warp speed when I try to boot into netrunner. LM boots and runs perfectly well

Update: if I load the bios first and turn off secure boot then delete the signatures I can boot into netrunner. Guess I need to remove the <solved>!!
Quickly since I’m getting ready for a week at the beach... When I disable secure boot through the bios I am able to load and run netrunner without a problem, I can shut down the machine and reboot into netrunner as well. When I log out and boot into LM secure boot gets re-enabled so in order to then load netrunner I have to boot into the bios and re-disable secure boot, delete the signatures and only then will netrunner boot. Does this explanation make sense? I am thinking it’s happening because when I originally nuked windows and installed LM I did not properly disable secure boot as noted by @arochester . I wonder if I nuke everything and reinstall both distros after properly disabling secure boot will this get rid of the problem?

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