Please help me install network drivers in backtrack 5



I have installed backtrack 5 on my system, my hp laptop uses Intel PRO G2200 wireless drivers, I found drivers on the net for linux, but could install it or its firmware. I am not sure of its firmware version, i tried 3.1, 3.0,2.3,2.2,2.1,2.0 but didnt get any wifi working. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Connect to the Internet. Open a Terminal. AS ROOT input: apt-get install firmware-ipw2x000 . REBOOT

It would help you if you installed a Package Manager. Connect to the Internet. Open a Terminal. AS ROOT input: apt-get install synaptic. Synaptic will appear in your menu. It shows packages installed, packages available, packages not installed etc. It has a search facility.
this is what i got
root@bt:~# apt-get install firmware-ipw2200
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree     
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package firmware-ipw2200

Synaptic was installed but couldnt find ipw2200 driver package files.
No. It is literally ipw2x00, not ipw2200.

apt-get install firmware-ipw2x00

Tip: You do not need to type commands into the Terminal. Highlight the command written on the web page. Move your cursor anywhere in the Terminal and press your mouse wheel or mouse middle button. Automatic Copy and paste! No spelling mistakes! No Typos! No other errors!
I got this error
root@bt:~# apt-get install firmware-ipw2x00
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree     
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package firmware-ipw2x00
Can you check your sources list? (Some Terminals allow Copy and Paste, some do not). Try, AS ROOT :
nano etc/apt/sources.list

I am looking for: main contrib non-free

Can you Copy and paste here?
nano etc/apt/sources.list

opened a text editor called GNU nano 2.2.2. Dont know what to do?
Does it show text? Can you Copy that text and Paste it here to this Forum?
I am downloading Backtrack 5 to have a closer look at this, but it is S-L-O-W. Feels like a backwards step. The folks at Backtrack more recently produced Kali Linux.
why dont you just connect to my system and check it. I will give you access to my system using Google Chrome remote desktop extension. I will be online in Gmail you can send me message to my id bhariharakumar[at]gmail[dot]com, If i am not online let me know your timings I will try to come online at that time. Thanks for helping me.
Don't you need an internet connection to download from a repos?
My bad didn't see the short connect to the internet phrase.
For back track it is best to use a wifi card that allows for packet injection.. If this card doesn't support it I would look at the: alfa card.
Backtrack did not package the kernel firmware, no idea why, or if it's still the case.

There is a relevant thread at the backtrack forums

No idea why you want to use backtrack though...

It would help you if you installed a Package Manager [...] apt-get install synaptic
synaptic is not a package manager - it is a graphical package management front end. apt and dpkg are package managers.
Can you check your sources list? (Some Terminals allow Copy and Paste, some do not). Try, AS ROOT
You don't need to run a text editor just to view the contents of a file and you certainly do not need to be root... Use the simplest and best tool for the job:
$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
(Also the reason why your command opened an empty editor is because you omitted the leading / (slash).
when i type ' airmon-ng ' in the BT5 R1 terminal, it doesn't show any interface chipset drivers like wlan0. so, please help me what can i do .
i m using BT5 R1 in window 7 via VMware
Your problem may be that your wifi card is installed in Windows 7 and not installed in Linux...

What output do you get when you run the command: sudo iwconfig
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@arochester : I have a problems same that.
When i type: iwconfig in terminal.
It's show that:
ali:~# iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.

eth0 no wireless extensions.

eth1 no wireless extensions.
I don't know how to use wlan0.
I use VM to use Kali Linux in Win 7. So, i try to solve but it's very difficult.
Can you help me? And, have you use teamviewer and can you use it to solve my problem?
Plz, help me :'(
P/s: I will always check your reply.