Now it's really screwed up


Aug 15, 2017
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I installed a ton of packages so I could play audio files from the system console. It still doesn't play them. It says it can't find a valid sound driver, even over 2 GB later. Now something is mounting /tmp as rw when /etc/fstab says it should be ro. Whatever it is is keeping /tmp "busy" so I can't unmount it. All file systems _must_ be checked at _each_ system boot and _must_ be defined in the partition table according to the alphabetical order of the names of the mount points, and _must_ be mounted in that order and _only_ in that order.

So now my whole life must be put on hold until I can get this fixed. systemctl refused to enable /etc/init.d/boot.1 which needs to run at runlevel S before /tmp gets mounted. I tried to force the issue by creating the symlink myself and then systemctl added it to some target.wants thing. Something keeps screwing up /tmp so I have to keep fixing it. The lost+found directory keeps disappearing and the quotas keep getting screwed up.

/etc/init.d/boot.1 is running, or all of those file systems wouldn't be mounted. The text output from boot.1 is not showing up when the system boots up. The file systems are not being checked even though I'm using /usr/sbin/e2fsck -fv /dev/whatever.

The alsa-utils script cannot be enabled or disabled because it is "masked," whatever that means.

I really need some help from a systemd expert. Do we have any?

systemd doesn't typically want the /etc/init.d stuff. There is a way... but...

To enable alsa-utils.

systemctl unmask alsa-utils


systemctl enable alsa-utils

I'm not what you're using sysV to start, but whatever it is, we can build a systemd service file for it.
(if it doesn't already exist)
All file systems _must_ be checked at _each_ system boot and _must_ be defined in the partition table according to the alphabetical order of the names of the mount points, and _must_ be mounted in that order and _only_ in that order.

Where did you get this info? In 25 plus years of Linux, I have never heard this, I'm not doing it now on any Linux systems I have.

systemctl refused to enable /etc/init.d/boot.1 which needs to run at runlevel S before /tmp gets mounted. I tried to force the issue by creating the symlink myself and then systemctl added it to some target.wants thing.

systemctl doesn't like init.d . In fact the whole reason systemd exists is to get away from SysV init run levels. I suspect your soft-link could be the problem.
I moved the boot.1 service to the local-fs-pre target and set it to oneshot so now it works a litle better, but it is still having major problems.

# cat /lib/systemd/system/boot.1.service
Description=System boot script service for single user mode

ExecStart=/bin/bash /etc/init.d/boot.1


# cat /etc/init.d/boot.1

# Provides: boot.1
# Required-Start: $local-fs
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: S
# Default-Stop: 0 6
# Short-Description: Runs the necessary commands at system boot time while still in single user mode
# Description: This runs the necessary startup commands when the system is booted

# Set the system font.


# Check the root file system.

/usr/bin/echo "/usr/sbin/e2fsck -fpv /dev/sdb1 (Root file system)"
/usr/sbin/e2fsck -fpv /dev/sdb1

if [ $? != 0 ]; then
/usr/bin/echo "Root file system was modified. Please reboot the system."

# Check secondary file systems.

/usr/bin/echo "/usr/sbin/e2fsck -fpv /sdb3 (/backup)"
/usr/sbin/e2fsck -fpv /dev/sdb3
/usr/bin/echo "/usr/sbin/e2fsck -fpv /sdb4 (/tmp)"
/usr/sbin/e2fsck -fpv /dev/sdb4

Goes on to check other file systems...

# Remount the root file system as read-write.

/usr/bin/mount -o remount,rw /

# Mount the secondary file systems.

/usr/bin/echo "Mounting /dev/sdb3 on /backup"
/usr/bin/mount -o acl,async,errors=remount-ro,grpquota,noatime,noauto,nodev,nodiratime,noexec,nolazytime,nomand,norelatime,nosuid,nouser,rw,user_xattr,usrquota -t ext4 /dev/sdb3 /backup

Goes on to mount other secondary file systems...

/usr/bin/echo /usr/bin/sync

exit 0


# journalctl -u boot.1
-- Logs begin at Tue 2020-07-14 14:58:11 MST, end at Tue 2020-07-14 21:55:02 MST. --
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found ordering cycle on
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found dependency on boot.1.service/start
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Job deleted to break ordering cycle starting with
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found ordering cycle on systemd-timesyncd.service/start
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found dependency on tmp.mount/start
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found dependency on boot.1.service/start
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Jul 14 14:58:18 laptop systemd[1]: Job systemd-timesyncd.service/start deleted to break ordering cycle starting with
Jul 14 14:58:20 laptop systemd[1]: Starting System boot script service for single user mode...
Jul 14 14:58:22 laptop bash[450]: /usr/sbin/e2fsck -fpv /dev/sdb1 (Root file system)
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 153030 inodes used (0.47%, out of 32768000)
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 72 non-contiguous files (0.0%)
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 77 non-contiguous directories (0.1%)
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: # of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 0/0/0
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: Extent depth histogram: 137433/32
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 3819923 blocks used (2.91%, out of 131072000)
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 0 bad blocks
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 1 large file
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 124239 regular files
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 13015 directories
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 8 character device files
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 0 block device files
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 0 fifos
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 25 links
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 15759 symbolic links (15551 fast symbolic links)
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 0 sockets
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: ------------
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: 153046 files
Jul 14 14:58:35 laptop bash[450]: /usr/sbin/e2fsck -fpv /dev/sdb3 (/backup)
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 158 inodes used (0.00%, out of 67108864)
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 20 non-contiguous files (12.7%)
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 0 non-contiguous directories (0.0%)
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: # of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 0/0/0
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: Extent depth histogram: 141/11
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 36986304 blocks used (13.78%, out of 268435456)
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 0 bad blocks
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 3 large files
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 116 regular files
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 33 directories
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 0 character device files
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 0 block device files
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 0 fifos
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 0 links
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 0 symbolic links (0 fast symbolic links)
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 0 sockets
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: ------------
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: 149 files
Jul 14 14:58:47 laptop bash[450]: /usr/sbin/e2fsck -fpv /dev/sdb4 (/tmp)
Jul 14 14:58:49 laptop bash[450]: Linux_Tmp: /lost+found not found. CREATED.
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: [QUOTA WARNING] Usage inconsistent for ID 0:actual (36864, 10) != expected (32768, 9)
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: Linux_Tmp: Update quota info for quota type 0.
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: [QUOTA WARNING] Usage inconsistent for ID 0:actual (36864, 10) != expected (32768, 9)
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: Linux_Tmp: Update quota info for quota type 1.
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 19 inodes used (0.00%, out of 6553600)
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 1 non-contiguous file (5.3%)
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 0 non-contiguous directories (0.0%)
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: # of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 0/0/0
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: Extent depth histogram: 11
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 557856 blocks used (2.13%, out of 26214400)
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 0 bad blocks
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 1 large file
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 0 regular files
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 8 directories
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 0 character device files
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 0 block device files
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 0 fifos
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 0 links
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 0 symbolic links (0 fast symbolic links)
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 1 socket
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: ------------
Jul 14 14:58:51 laptop bash[450]: 9 files

Other file systems are checked here...

Jul 14 14:59:19 laptop bash[450]: /usr/bin/sync
Jul 14 14:59:19 laptop bash[450]: Mounting the secondary file systems...
Jul 14 14:59:19 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb3 on /backup
Jul 14 14:59:19 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb4 on /tmp
Jul 14 14:59:19 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb5 on /user
Jul 14 14:59:20 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb6 on /usr/games
Jul 14 14:59:20 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb7 on /var/local
Jul 14 14:59:20 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb8 /var/mail
Jul 14 14:59:20 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb9 on /var/web
Jul 14 14:59:20 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb11 on /var/web/root/1
Jul 14 14:59:20 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb12 on /var/web/root/2
Jul 14 14:59:21 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb13 on /var/web/root/3
Jul 14 14:59:21 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb14 on /var/web/root/4
Jul 14 14:59:21 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb15 on /var/web/root/5
Jul 14 14:59:21 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb16 on /var/web/root/6
Jul 14 14:59:21 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb17 on /var/web/root/7
Jul 14 14:59:21 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb18 on /var/web/root/8
Jul 14 14:59:21 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb19 on /var/web/root/9
Jul 14 14:59:22 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb20 on /var/web/root/10
Jul 14 14:59:22 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb21 on /var/web/root/11
Jul 14 14:59:22 laptop bash[450]: Mounting /dev/sdb22 on /var/web/root/12
Jul 14 14:59:22 laptop bash[450]: /usr/bin/sync
Jul 14 14:59:22 laptop systemd[1]: boot.1.service: Succeeded.
Jul 14 14:59:22 laptop systemd[1]: Started System boot script service for single user mode.

I did get the sound working, but it is still having problems. It only plays on the right speaker and is very quiet. mocp doesn't play anything. It says stuck at the beginning of the audio file which plays just fine on my tablet. play (SoX) works a little.
I installed a ton of packages
I did get the sound working, but it is still having problems. It

I do not pretend to be an expert, especially where sound dramas are concerned.......However.....if this were my system, I would summon up a Timeshift snapshot and click on Restore (obviously to a time before all this drama unfolded)....and that would take care of that.

I do not see anywhere which Linux you are running....

Do you have any backups ? all ?
If mine was behaving that way, I would pull out one of my USB thumb drives with the latest version of my distro and reinstall the OS, while leaving the /home partition (which is always backed up) alone.

And be done with the agony.
Numerous packages use scripts in /etc/init.d/

Yes, but not in conjunction with systemd. Some packages still use sysV init.d.
But using both at the same time for the same packages is trouble.
I have a couple of different distro's that have nothing in init.d.

If mine was behaving that way, I would pull out one of my USB thumb drives with the latest version of my distro and reinstall the OS, while leaving the /home partition (which is always backed up) alone.

In this case, I tend to agree. Although it also looks like he has numerous "webroot" directories as well.
It appears they are all on /dev/sdb so I'm not sure what the purpose here is.
Massive, steaming, discombobulated pile ...

Start over, don't second guess whatever distro you choose.

If you are looking to avoid systemd, there are plenty of distros NOT based on that. Just don't mix the fundamentals - the OS, and you, will be immensely happy.
Massive, steaming, discombobulated pile ...

Start over, don't second guess whatever distro you choose.

If you are looking to avoid systemd, there are plenty of distros NOT based on that. Just don't mix the fundamentals - the OS, and you, will be immensely happy.
apparently Slackware doesn't use systemd ; I say apparently i looked for it and couldn't find it ! could be a slippery slope recently PAM integrated in current . Wonder whats next
apparently Slackware doesn't use systemd ; I say apparently i looked for it and couldn't find it

This is surprising. You don't have a /usr/lib/systemd or a /etc/systemd ?
You don't have systemctl ?
I looked in, and Slackware is a "not systemd" distro. There are a lot of distros in that category.

And there are several different init systems in the world of Linux and BSD.
I am using Debian 10.4.0. I mostly fixed the problem. I set /etc/fstab to mount /tmp as read-only so I could unmount it. I set the to point to so now I can run the boot.1.service which unmounts /tmp and checks everything before calling systemctl isolate using ExecStartPost which will run the boot.2.service.
O.K., if it works for you.
Sounds like you have a really unusual use case for Linux.
This is surprising. You don't have a /usr/lib/systemd or a /etc/systemd ?
You don't have systemctl ?
well i didn't even look for it to be honest slackware still doesn't use either grub nor systemd to date