Netflix on Debian?



I took the entire day trying to get netflix running on my Debian system but I can't seem to get it to work. I tried running firefox in wine, but I got an error message on the Netflix site. I also tried to use Netflix-desktop by using a ppa but no luck there either. Most of the tutorial I've read involved a step towards the end where you need to install silverlight or netflix-desktop. Whenever I got to those steps I would get an error saying that it couldn't be found.

I have the correct repositories in my sources.list and when I update them I get an error as well. I watched two videos on this and both were using Ubuntu. I know it's possible on Debian but I can't figure it out.

Any ideas??

Have you tried pipelight?

web page =

Sorry, can't post links yet.
I also tried to use Netflix-desktop by using a ppa but no luck there either.
I have no idea what Netflix is, but adding a ppa to your sources.list is a bad idea.
I have the correct repositories in my sources.list and when I update them I get an error as well.
No you do not have the correct entries. Ppa's are third-party packages created by Ubuntu users for Ubuntu. Apt cannot recognise most of them, and the few it can, are almost guaranteed to cause problems with updates and upgrades. That is why you get an error message.
What does pipelight do exactly? Is it supposed to be like Silverlight?
Never mind that last question, I got it all install. It doesn't work though. I have the netflix-desktop icon but when I try to run it, nothing happens. I also tried running it in the terminal but still nothing.
Another update, I've got it so that I can choose a movie or show to watch. Once I click play, the plugin gets stuck and doesn't work.
Good luck with Netflix in Linux. I have yet to be able to get it to work.
Another update, I've got it so that I can choose a movie or show to watch. Once I click play, the plugin gets stuck and doesn't work.

Does Netflix offer customer support?
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I have no idea to be honest, I know that it "works" on arch and manjaro but I tried it on a virtual box and it didn't work either. I've just seen some people get it work but I haven't
Netflix refuses to give Linux users any help whats so ever. I was able to get Pipelight to work for a time on my laptop but the quality was terrible. I have since switched to Amazon instant video which also has no support for Linux. The only video streaming service that supports Linux is Hulu, which has commercials.

Sorry, but Linux users will be forgotten by streaming media services. It all comes down to DRM and licensing. Sony and other Media outlets have essentially licensed almost all movies.