Kali terminal in Ubuntu?


New Member
Jul 31, 2022
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I apologize in advance if my question sounds dumb..

I have been using kali Linux for Years but recently have switched over to Ubuntu for my daily driver

I really miss the Look and feel of Kali Linux Terminal but want to stick with Ubuntu as my daily driver.

is there anyway ay to achieve this?

I am familiar with Oh my zsh and already have it installed but miss the entire theme and feel of the Kali terminal

Picture for Reference: https://www.h4k-it.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/kali-2020-3-rele

Note: I have already tried just taking a peek at Kali .zshrc file and moving that into Ubuntu .zshrc with no luck in change

Welcome to the forums,
Do you mean terminal? Or do you mean desktop?
Terminals, there are half a dozen or so terminal emulators any of which you can install and use on Ubuntu
Desktops, the choice is almost endless, Kali offer three different desktop environments [Xfce, Plasma,&Gnome shell] , again they can be installed to Ubuntu, BUT you will need to modify them yourself to get the exact feel and appearance you may be looking for,
Just in case it is indeed terminals that is of interest, rather than desktop environments, there's a useful collection of terminals noted at: https://github.com/k4m4/terminals-are-sexy, under the heading: Terminal Emulation Applications, (including some for non-linux OSs) from where there are links to the various terminal's homes. There are other terminals not in the listing, such as "st", "mrxvt", "guake", "lxterminal", "eterm", "wterm", and "roxterm" and more still, so altogether there's enough to satisfy a wide range of tastes and requirements.
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I could be wrong, but I think the default terminal emulator in Kali is QTerminal?!
sudo apt update && sudo apt install qterminal
Thank you all for the helpful replies , after looking into qterminal and a few other options i ultimately ended going with the Fish Command Line shell (https://fishshell.com/)

which gives me the closest feeling to kali Linux as it autocompletes and highlights the correct command blue when typed in
I was able to make Kali Terminal look the same on Ubuntu.
1. Install terminal: sudo apt install qterminal zsh
2. Copy over the ~/.zshrc from Kali to Ubuntu
3. Change your default shell to zsh, from the terminal: chsh -s /bin/zsh
4. Log out of your system and back in.
5. After placing the ~/.zshrc configuration file run the following commands from the terminal.
autoload -Uz compinit promptinit
6. Install zsh-autosuggestions: sudo apt install zsh-autosuggestions
7. Copy over all the files from your Kali system in the directory /usr/share/qtermwidget5/color-schemes/* to the same location on your Ubuntu system.
8. Install firacode fonts: sudo apt install fonts-firacode
9. On your Ubuntu system go Qterminal preferences: Change the color Scheme to "Kali-Dark" and click apply. Also if you want other settings the same from your terminal just copy the settings over by comparing the Kali Qterminal to the Ubuntu and select/unselect as needed including "Fira Code 10pt". Also at the bottem of the Appearance settings of your terminal change the "Application transparency" from "0%" to "5%" which is the same as on Kali and click apply.
10. If you want you can even copy from your Kali system the themes directory under: /usr/share/themes/Kali-dark to your Ubuntu system ~/.themes.
11. Install lxappearance: sudo apt install lxapperance
12. Launch it and from there you can select "Kali-Dark" Not sure if this will work since they may be using different theme libraries qt5.
However the terminal part should work, the end result will be your Qterminal look like Kali's. You can then still install neofetch on both systems and compare the different parts and look for the parts on the Ubuntu system that aren't the same as on the Kali system and copy them over where needed. Then once copied over selecting them through lxapperance as wanted.

The end result should look like this which I find exactly similar since all the terminal settings are copied exactly as they are from Kali to Ubuntu.

P.S It also seems like the copying over of the themes and selecting it under lxappearance gives the full effect of the Kali look, because the the Gnome Appearance selector doesn't seem to allow you to select custom themes. Without it terminal doesn't look transparent. Lastly I just did this while I was watching a series and having a drink. This worked for me and should work for you, if it doesn't work for you you did something wrong and don't ask me what you did wrong. You should be able to figure out that part yourself because I basically wrote out of what parts are needed for it.


  • Kali_Qterminal.png
    166 KB · Views: 2,111
  • Ubuntu_Qterminal.png
    357.4 KB · Views: 2,156
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I was able to make Kali Terminal look the same on Ubuntu.
1. Install terminal: sudo apt install qterminal zsh
2. Copy over the ~/.zshrc from Kali to Ubuntu
3. Change your default shell to zsh, from the terminal: chsh -s /bin/zsh
4. Log out of your system and back in.
5. After placing the ~/.zshrc configuration file run the following commands from the terminal.
autoload -Uz compinit promptinit
6. Install zsh-autosuggestions: sudo apt install zsh-autosuggestions
7. Copy over all the files from your Kali system in the directory /usr/share/qtermwidget5/color-schemes/* to the same location on your Ubuntu system.
8. Install firacode fonts: sudo apt install fonts-firacode
9. On your Ubuntu system go Qterminal preferences: Change the color Scheme to "Kali-Dark" and click apply. Also if you want other settings the same from your terminal just copy the settings over by comparing the Kali Qterminal to the Ubuntu and select/unselect as needed including "Fira Code 10pt". Also at the bottem of the Appearance settings of your terminal change the "Application transparency" from "0%" to "5%" which is the same as on Kali and click apply.
1 Appearance selector doesn't seem to allow you to select custom themes. Without it terminal doesn't look transparent. Lastly I just did this while I was watching a series and having a drink. This worked for me and should work for you, if it doesn't work for you you did something wrong and don't ask me what you did wrong. You should be able to figure out that part yourself because I basically wrote out of what parts are needed for it.

I was able to make Kali Terminal look the same on Ubuntu.
1. Install terminal: sudo apt install qterminal zsh
2. Copy over the ~/.zshrc from Kali to Ubuntu
3. Change your default shell to zsh, from the terminal: chsh -s /bin/zsh
4. Log out of your system and back in.
5. After placing the ~/.zshrc configuration file run the following commands from the terminal.
autoload -Uz compinit promptinit
6. Install zsh-autosuggestions: sudo apt install zsh-autosuggestions
7. Copy over all the files from your Kali system in the directory /usr/share/qtermwidget5/color-schemes/* to the same location on your Ubuntu system.
8. Install firacode fonts: sudo apt install fonts-firacode
9. On your Ubuntu system go Qterminal preferences: Change the color Scheme to "Kali-Dark" and click apply. Also if you want other settings the same from your terminal just copy the settings over by comparing the Kali Qterminal to the Ubuntu and select/unselect as needed including "Fira Code 10pt". Also at the bottem of the Appearance settings of your terminal change the "Application transparency" from "0%" to "5%" which is the same as on Kali and click apply.
10. If you want you can even copy from your Kali system the themes directory under: /usr/share/themes/Kali-dark to your Ubuntu system ~/.themes.
11. Install lxappearance: sudo apt install lxapperance
12. Launch it and from there you can select "Kali-Dark" Not sure if this will work since they may be using different theme libraries qt5.
However the terminal part should work, the end result will be your Qterminal look like Kali's. You can then still install neofetch on both systems and compare the different parts and look for the parts on the Ubuntu system that aren't the same as on the Kali system and copy them over where needed. Then once copied over selecting them through lxapperance as wanted.

The end result should look like this which I find exactly similar since all the terminal settings are copied exactly as they are from Kali to Ubuntu.

P.S It also seems like the copying over of the themes and selecting it under lxappearance gives the full effect of the Kali look, because the the Gnome Appearance selector doesn't seem to allow you to select custom themes. Without it terminal doesn't look transparent. Lastly I just did this while I was watching a series and having a drink. This worked for me and should work for you, if it doesn't work for you you did something wrong and don't ask me what you did wrong. You should be able to figure out that part yourself because I basically wrote out of what parts are needed for it.
I am not a kali user would you please share the files in /usr/share/qtermwidget5/color-schemes/ and /usr/themes/kali-dark
I am not a kali user would you please share the files in /usr/share/qtermwidget5/color-schemes/ and /usr/themes/kali-dark
I don't use Kali either, I installed it in the vm at the time and then copied over the files.
I am not a kali user would you please share the files in /usr/share/qtermwidget5/color-schemes/ and /usr/themes/kali-dark
You can look here : https://pastebin.com/rhrWSiaL
Here, you can find the .zshrc file of Kali Linux.

Copy all of these lines and paste them into a .zshrc file.
I am new in Linux so I can't explain how you can do this. I used Kali but it's very hard to use it when we are beginners. So I use Ubuntu now. But I love the interface of Kali. It's the reason for why I searched how to change the Ubuntu terminal to a Kali terminal.

So, you can click here for more information.
Good luck ;)
(I tested it. It's working.)
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