Install KVM on RHEL Server




I want to install KVM in a RHEL 5.4 64bits. All I found pointed me to RHN, unfortunatelly my registration wih RHN expired (company policy).
Is there any other way to install it?



You are going to have to renew your support contract to make that happen. Either that or move to CentOS or Scientific Linux.
You must install the following packages:
kmod-kvm : kvm kernel module(s)
kvm : Kernel-based Virtual Machine
kvm-qemu-img : Qemu disk image utility
kvm-tools : KVM debugging and diagnostics tools
python-virtinst : Python modules and utilities for installing virtual machines
virt-manager : Virtual Machine Manager (GUI app, to install and configure VMs)
virt-viewer: Virtual Machine Viewer (another lightweight app to view VM console and/or install VMs)
bridge-utils : Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge (this is recommended for KVM networking)

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