how to play valorant on kubuntu

how can i download and play Valorant on kubuntu
Hello @Athard,
That game is a windows game , You may be able to run it under wine, but have not tried there is an online portal where you can play it also.
if your going to try running it under wine I would try install playonlinux (in the kubuntu repository) and install it via that program.
The Wine-HQ data base lists it a garbage. Which means it does not run at all well under wine.
Welcome to the forums
I can't see any game
That game is not in the Kubuntu repositories. So it will not show up on Discover.
You have to down load it and try to install it via wine or playonlinux. As I said in my other post it's listed on Wine-HQ apps as not running well under wine. So your best bet is would be to go to the online portal I listed in my first post and play it on Line.
Not all Windows games can be played on Linux. Some one else here may have gotten it to run but I haven't seen any mention of it in my searches.
That game is not in the Kubuntu repositories. So it will not show up on Discover.
You have to down load it and try to install it via wine or playonlinux. As I said in my other post it's listed on Wine-HQ apps as not running well under wine. So your best bet is would be to go to the online portal I listed in my first post and play it on Line.
Not all Windows games can be played on Linux. Some one else here may have gotten it to run but I haven't seen any mention of it in my searches.
Now I am constantly experimenting with linux distributions. which linux distribution can be played valorant or more efficient? do you have any information?
I'm not a gamer so haven't really followed the different game, but all Linux Distros would be most the same. Don't know if that game would be available in steam or not. Perhaps on of the gamers here will eventually come by and help you out further.

But as I said valorant is a windows only game. So will have to be played van virtual box , Wine or other emulator software. and any linux distro would work for that. Is there a reason you do not want to play the on line version?