Hello Linux Nerds

Hello world...

this is the third forum I have joined. The first one was about a car and the second ons about a computer game.

I am Rainer, 57, German, having learned some UNIX in a course and used it a bit (6 months) at work as a normal user. I have a university degree in computer-science and was working as an IT-specialist for more than 30 years.

Privately, I've used only Windows-PCs and Mac. I really believe that with using mainstream stuff you don't do anything wrong and consequently I tried to stay away from the Linux world.

Currently, I need to buy new hardware and I am considering to get a new desktop with Linux (probably Ubuntu because I don't hear too many complaints... again, my mainstream thinking) installed. If I would choose to do so, I will probably become a pretty active member of this forum and I am looking forward to get in contact with other nerds to exchange ideas.
Welcome Rainer greetings from Germany :) .

Welcome to Linux.org-:)

Like Brickwizard said, why limit yourself.

The beauty of trying Linux is you can use a virtual machine and try all the Linux distro's you'd like to help you decide which one you want to install. OR> run Linux Live on a thumb drive.

G'day @rAIner-linux from DownUnder (Australia) and welcome to linux.org :)

Fortunately the makers and operators of the world's top 500 supercomputers don't agree, and run Linux, as do most of the Web Servers of most of the largest websites in the world, but perhaps you already know that.

When I was your age, I made the decision to stop using Windows (7) in favour of Linux, which I had been using intermittently for 4 years prior, and I have never looked back.

Although I have had computers such as HP, Compaq, Asus and other, I keep coming back to Dell, because it is so Linux-friendly and reliable.

In any event, we look forward to engaging with you in your journey.


Chris Turner
Hi, in the meantime I became a Linux user, i.e I am using Linux Mint Cinnamon as an alternate boot option on my old Windows notebook. My HW bottleneck currently is non-volatile memory... so SSD, or HDD. I only have about 50 GB of SSD space left, but I am going to connect an external USB 16TB HDD.I am a programmer... so, I want to control computers. I am planning to use this external 16TB HDD for all of my devices (Mac, Android, Windows...) or in other words a private cloud.

(this is my first forum post under my own Linux Mint installation... yes, as of now I am one of yours)

As a mainstream lover I was using mainly the Internet Explorer and later Edge to browse the internet, It seems that Mint included Firefox or at least is suggesting it. So I should get used to it and consequently install firefox as my default browser in all of my devices. Do you agree?
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