Fedora 38 has ten different desktop "spins".

I've tried a few, but I always went back to KDE Plasma, so thats what I've stuck with
for the last few years i been using fedora cinnamon. But the new Budgie seem like something worth looking at. I be honest their some desktop spins that should of be axed for some time now . namely the spin SoaS and LXDE
I'm partial to the KDE/Plasma spin Just works for me :) thanks for the link @dos2unix
dos2unix wrote:
Gnome isn't included on this page, because it's the default for Fedora.
There's no mention of "Rawhide" either, the rolling release development version fedora targets at more advanced users.
There's no mention of "Rawhide" either, the rolling release development version fedora targets at more advanced users.

Fedora 38 is the current rawhide.
Theoretically - Fedora 38 will be released tomorrow. Then Fedora 39 will become 'Rawhide".

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