Recent content by Diputs

  1. D

    not so good code/examples

    I worked with a system engineer once and he prefixed all Linux commands with the full path, in every script, like this: /usr/bin/cp sourcefile.txt targetfile.txt Seemed excessive to me, but I can see a point
  2. D

    not so good code/examples

    Well, there can be a reason, like this: cat -v word file.txt | grep whatever The CAT command may have optional features that GREP won't be able to provide, but this is very specific all right.
  3. D

    not so good code/examples

    That's a classic indeed This is also something I see: cd /some/directory ; unzip /source/ -d . or also cd /source ; unzip -d /some/directory You could say it's a combined navigation (CD) and extract (unzip) action, but then NO other command follows that needs the...
  4. D

    Today's thread is intentionally short...

    Ow yes, I know I currently run Total Commander, one of the many clones But ... nothing still beats the deep blue Norton Commander in full-screen started via DOS. Well, it's a memory anyway
  5. D

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    I'm partly German, so that may explain :) It must ze done correct !
  6. D

    Today's thread is intentionally short...

    That reminds me of the " park " command Back in the 90s I got my first computer, and I remember that I needed to " park " the disk, when physically moving the machine. That was a DOS machine, I remember it ran Norton Commander
  7. D

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    I guess we're all differnent :) My fisrt goal is to make it work, and then I make it pretty, but that is a goal on itself as well. What I found out is that to make it pretty, the way you wrote the code initially, already helps. The better it is written, the better that goes.
  8. D

    tool of the day: faketime

    What is also funny is to use TOUCH with a date as parameter And also ported to Windows touch.exe in case you want to cause some mayhem :)
  9. D

    Today's article is a very basic one...

    Pull the plug ? Oh no, wait, nobody uses iron anymore. Stop your virtual Server, that'll stop your Linux
  10. D

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    Just redirect the output and error output to see what it is doing */5 * * * * /home/dave/swap/bgimages/ >> /tmp/mycronjobfails.log 2>&1 Cron Jobs don't run the same environment as when you login normally
  11. D

    Today's thread is intentionally short...

    I never used that ... I just init 6 or init 0 Is it a Unix thing ?
  12. D

    Error testing a bash script

    The & indeed is for background processing, and it typically is set at the end of the command. Often used with nohup, like this: nohup some parameters &
  13. D

    Error testing a bash script

    Insert this somewhere at the start of the program: set -x That's euhm, an understatement :) So you basically say that different functions do different things
  14. D

    i don't find the file .history in my home

    I don't get that I'm not English native speaker, so I have a good excuse.
  15. D

    not so good code/examples

    The "code" I refer to is more related to command line usage, not entire source code of the Linux Kernel Things like this: For clarity : DO NOT RUN THIS COMMAND ! cd /some/path ; rm -rf * For clarity : DO NOT RUN THIS COMMAND !