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  1. D

    not so good code/examples

    I worked with a system engineer once and he prefixed all Linux commands with the full path, in every script, like this: /usr/bin/cp sourcefile.txt targetfile.txt Seemed excessive to me, but I can see a point
  2. D

    not so good code/examples

    Well, there can be a reason, like this: cat -v word file.txt | grep whatever The CAT command may have optional features that GREP won't be able to provide, but this is very specific all right.
  3. D

    not so good code/examples

    That's a classic indeed This is also something I see: cd /some/directory ; unzip /source/ -d . or also cd /source ; unzip -d /some/directory You could say it's a combined navigation (CD) and extract (unzip) action, but then NO other command follows that needs the...
  4. D

    Today's thread is intentionally short...

    Ow yes, I know I currently run Total Commander, one of the many clones But ... nothing still beats the deep blue Norton Commander in full-screen started via DOS. Well, it's a memory anyway
  5. D

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    I'm partly German, so that may explain :) It must ze done correct !
  6. D

    Today's thread is intentionally short...

    That reminds me of the " park " command Back in the 90s I got my first computer, and I remember that I needed to " park " the disk, when physically moving the machine. That was a DOS machine, I remember it ran Norton Commander
  7. D

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    I guess we're all differnent :) My fisrt goal is to make it work, and then I make it pretty, but that is a goal on itself as well. What I found out is that to make it pretty, the way you wrote the code initially, already helps. The better it is written, the better that goes.
  8. D

    tool of the day: faketime

    What is also funny is to use TOUCH with a date as parameter And also ported to Windows touch.exe in case you want to cause some mayhem :)
  9. D

    Today's article is a very basic one...

    Pull the plug ? Oh no, wait, nobody uses iron anymore. Stop your virtual Server, that'll stop your Linux
  10. D

    Solved Cron giving me fits

    Just redirect the output and error output to see what it is doing */5 * * * * /home/dave/swap/bgimages/ >> /tmp/mycronjobfails.log 2>&1 Cron Jobs don't run the same environment as when you login normally
  11. D

    Today's thread is intentionally short...

    I never used that ... I just init 6 or init 0 Is it a Unix thing ?
  12. D

    Error testing a bash script

    The & indeed is for background processing, and it typically is set at the end of the command. Often used with nohup, like this: nohup some parameters &
  13. D

    Error testing a bash script

    Insert this somewhere at the start of the program: set -x That's euhm, an understatement :) So you basically say that different functions do different things
  14. D

    i don't find the file .history in my home

    I don't get that I'm not English native speaker, so I have a good excuse.
  15. D

    not so good code/examples

    The "code" I refer to is more related to command line usage, not entire source code of the Linux Kernel Things like this: For clarity : DO NOT RUN THIS COMMAND ! cd /some/path ; rm -rf * For clarity : DO NOT RUN THIS COMMAND !
  16. D

    I finally did it. Windows in the trash!

    Maybe people use a platform because other people use the same platform. I know, it's a wild idea. There's no single sign this is going to change any time soon. You don't go from a 0.2% market share to 92% in a week. Or, which OS do you have in mind ? And by when exactly ?
  17. D

    I finally did it. Windows in the trash!

  18. D

    Australia - The Land Down Under

  19. D

    I finally did it. Windows in the trash!

    They probably found out that Windows is platform #1 in the world.
  20. D

    I finally did it. Windows in the trash!

    But you could just try the same with different browsers on the same OS. Most of the times, some browsers have options disabled by default or such, and the other browser has the comparable option just working. And it works in all directions. There will NEVER be a browser that can do it all...