Good Things Happen to Good People

Lol, I would have been happy with just

I have a conscience, ethics and morals.

But I take your bulleted points seriously.

Every time I read "Klevon" I have "Levon sells cartoon balloons in town" play in my mind. Just me, I expect.

I have to reboot, into (groan) Kali to try to help someone, but I will be around.


How did court go? Did you get time to move? Good for you writing the electrical problems down for them.


Court went badly, but in some ways it went good.

My new landlord had a new number in court to sue me for plus court fees. He had one page of the logs my landlord kept. Hard to read, no note of what the numbers mean, nothing about the previous balance they said was carried over. I studied accounting for a while in college and audited expense records for a small corporation. The accounting was pathetic, so bad that the judge couldn't make sense of it. The new landlord (I'll just call him Dean) told the judge he just saw the logs after he filed a petition to sue me.

Last year I learned a lot about law and court etiquette. Dean obviously didn't bother to find out a lot of things before the court date. Appropriate dress, how to address the judge, never interrupt the judge. If you bring any evidence to court, like those logs, you're required to bring copies for both the judge and the defendant. He showed up in blue jeans and a wind breaker, no court etiquette and no copies of his logs for me or the judge.

I did dress for court. I had copies of my evidence, for everyone printed on business weight paper, organized so I could walk the judge through all of it while I addressed him properly...

The judge seemed to take the logs a lot more seriously when I told him I would trust anything Klevon said and that he was honorable man who's word meant something. Dean didn't get anything close to what he asked for and I didn't have to pay his court fees. I still have to leave though. That's what this thread is about.
Lol, I would have been happy with just

But I take your bulleted points seriously.

Every time I read "Klevon" I have "Levon sells cartoon balloons in town" play in my mind. Just me, I expect.

I have to reboot, into (groan) Kali to try to help someone, but I will be around.


I just finished writing a document for him with the critical information he needs to know before I leave. All of that was flying around in my head! Sorry!
With all the problems the place has you're probably better off moving anyway. Getting a decent place to live would be a good thing.
