I just need to b***h!

Sherri is a Cat

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
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Well, I live in Texas. For the last 3 years we've had some unusually cold days. 3 years ago it got down to 4* Fahrenheit <--- I guess that's spelled right. -15* Celsius. It was colder here than it was in Alaska. The shabby electrical grid we have in my state gave out. Texas being Texas, independent, "Don't mess with Texas", we can do it ourselves, hell no! We don't any help from ANYONE... Well we aren't tapped into the nationwide electrical grid. Most people here were without electricity for several days, people burned furniture to stay warm. Some people even died. I was incredibly lucky. I was only without electricity for 4 hours. And one of my Senators, that person who's job is to take care of the citizens of Texas when the entire electrical grid fails, THAT GUY decided to fly south to Mexico where it was nice and WARM. M****R F****R!!!!

So anyway... There is a point here and a reason I just need to get this aggravation off of my chest!

On most winter days in Texas, it's not unusual to have the heater on in the morning and switch to the air conditioner by the afternoon. I never put away my summer clothes. Well, we just had another 4 days of frigid temperatures. My house is one of those fixer uppers. It still needs a LOT of fixing, including INSULATION. If you're in the back room you don't have to open a window or go outside to see the front yard. Just look at that spot that needs some fixing. The water froze over in the toilet back there. My cats and I holed up in my bedroom. My heater is usually more than enough to keep me warm but not in 12 degree weather. It took two heaters to stay moderately comfortable.

Yesterday it finally warmed up. Water in the pipes melted so I could take a much needed shower. Believe it or not, after four days of freezing cold I was wearing shorts yesterday afternoon. That's Texas.

I went out to my living room to hop on my PC. And here's where the real frustration begins. I don't know if it was the cold weather or Microsoft's stealthy way of forcing people to upgrade. No, I'll just say it. (I was asked to remove this line to preserve the availability of this forum for all of us.)

All I know is my computer was fine before we all hibernated in the bedroom for 4 days.

Yesterday, YESTERDAY serious problems began. I should say here that I don't shut down my PC. I always let it go into sleep mode. When I clicked the mouse to wake it up, the screen on my monitor was completely black. But I could press the buttons on it to get into settings. I turned off the PC. I turned it back on to see black lines on my monitor. I know that can be a sign that the monitor is damaged. I've had that happen on a couple of monitors. It gets worse if you put your finger on the screen. Not happening this time. And the lines don't look the same either.

This morning I decided to dedicate the entire day to finish getting set up with Linux.

Windows won't boot up. It won't load the desktop.

I went into UEFI, or BIOS to refresh Windows. And by the way, while I was there I didn't see a single black line on my monitor! Windows still won't load.

So I got out my ex-father-in-law's tablet. It's a Lenovo and a total pain in the a**. Some of the keys are missing and others just don't work. I connected my REAL mouse and keyboard when I realized this was going to take some time. I haven't been able to figure out how to disable the integrated keyboard and mouse. My cats keep jumping on the desk. They land on the laptop keyboard first. I have to delete all the extra characters. Once they disabled the screen. I couldn't figure what they did, so I restarted it.

I absolutely refuse to use Microsoft Edge. The first thing I did was get Firefox. And I didn't sign into my account either. The less Microsoft knows about me the better! I signed in here because I'm going to need some help. I have a tablet, but it's a pain to type. I downloaded Linux Mint and balenaEtcher again.

I had a plan. Everyone tells me that if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. He's rolling around laughing really hard right now.

My plan was to burn Linux onto a flash drive on the laptop and boot it up in my tower. That part worked, but I wasn't sure what the hell I was doing. Some how I found Firefox. I was getting messages about network connection errors. I ended up in a Windows network. After that, my PC shut down on me.

AND BY THE WAY, in the Linux OS, there were ZERO LINES ON MY MONITOR. Thank you Microsoft. Your thoughtfulness means so much to me!

I looked again at the boot options for Linux, maybe I picked the wrong one. I had no idea. I need help!

I decided to put Linux on a VM in this crappy Lenovo laptop and use my tablet to get help here. And the problems multiplied. But I forgot that Microsoft made sure I can't use Virtual Box on Win 8.1 Home Edition. I thought this laptop had Win 10. If it did, I could use Virtual Box. So I decided to boot into Linux on this laptop. After several hours of surfing the internet for a solution, I have not been able to change the boot order or enable a Boot Device List on start up. Booting from a USB is enabled, but how to get it to do that is a total mystery! So far, nothing I've found actually works.

I have too many questions to type it all out on the screen of an Android. Somewhere around here, I have a second tablet with it's own keyboard. Before we divorced, #4 dedided to "help" me organize things that were ALREADY ORGANIZED. I haven't been able to find a thing since then or a chance to put everything back like it was. If he hadn't F****D with my s**t, it wouldn't be a problem...

So I came here. The first time I tried out Linux, I used a different VM. I was using my tower that has Win 8.1. Whatever that VM was, it worked. I was going to ask if anyone could tell me of other VMs. Maybe I would recognize the one I used last time. But I realized my brain is twisted up and I'm FRUSTRATED. No question I ask right now would make any sense and if it did, I doubt I have the ability to comprehend any advice I might receive.

So now, I'm a lot calmer and too exhausted to think about it anymore. I'll be back tomorrow with a fresh brain.

Thanks for letting me get this s**t off my chest!
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So with my fresh mind, I now remember a problem I had with a different computer that is similar to the one I'm having now. As much as I hate to say it, that  company may not have anything to do with it.

However, I will  not use the innocent in relation to the monster.
So with my fresh mind, I now remember a problem I had with a different computer that is similar to the one I'm having now. As much as I hate to say it, that  company may not have anything to do with it.

However, I will  not use the innocent in relation to the monster.
Welcome to the group. I have to ask, Is it up and running in Linux?
Happy Trails,
Not yet. I did stumble across what may be the reason I couldn't get the Lenovo to boot from the USB drive. I keep that laptop for a backup if I'm having problems with my preferred PC. I'm not going to put anymore effort into putting Linux on it.

As for my preferred PC, I suspect there may be a problem with the integrated video card. That happened with another PC years ago. It caused all kinds of seemingly unrelated problems. I figured out what the problem was by looking up the BSOD code. I couldn't find my exact code, but the closest ones all had something to do the integrated video card. On a hunch, I bought and installed a used video card. That fixed the problem.

A few months ago I broke one of those things that I don't know the name of on my video card. It's a simple fix. I just have to get a new one of those things I don't know the name of and solder it on. Since then, I've been using the integrated video card. I still have that older video card, but I don't think it has an HDMI port. My monitor only has HDMI. I also have other monitors. At this point I refer you to the mess #4 created before he left. It's going to be a lot of work to find them!
Not yet. I did stumble across what may be the reason I couldn't get the Lenovo to boot from the USB drive. I keep that laptop for a backup if I'm having problems with my preferred PC. I'm not going to put anymore effort into putting Linux on it.

As for my preferred PC, I suspect there may be a problem with the integrated video card. That happened with another PC years ago. It caused all kinds of seemingly unrelated problems. I figured out what the problem was by looking up the BSOD code. I couldn't find my exact code, but the closest ones all had something to do the integrated video card. On a hunch, I bought and installed a used video card. That fixed the problem.

A few months ago I broke one of those things that I don't know the name of on my video card. It's a simple fix. I just have to get a new one of those things I don't know the name of and solder it on. Since then, I've been using the integrated video card. I still have that older video card, but I don't think it has an HDMI port. My monitor only has HDMI. I also have other monitors. At this point I refer you to the mess #4 created before he left. It's going to be a lot of work to find them!
But then, getting there is half the fun, Right? Good luck finding everything.
Happy Trails,
But then, getting there is half the fun, Right? Good luck finding everything.
Happy Trails,
This reminds me of a quote from Eckhart Tolle

"Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it... This will miraculously transform your whole life."
