Black screen after grub if nomodeset is not set.

I’m having some issues with my USB port which I can’t make a new Kali installation, leaving me idle while I have project to complete

Are we looking at hardware problems? I'm thinking is there some hardware issue with the video card? One way of testing it is to run a live disk and see whether the video misbehaves. Any live disk that will run a GUI should do.

Can you complete your project from a live disk?
That 98.3% memory is extremely abnormal. Here it is 0.3%. It makes me think of booting into text mode, removing and then re-installing X. You could consider booting to text, removing and purging X, then upgrading, then reinstalling X ... just a thought. It's hard to be definitive at this point after so many approaches haven't been successful.

Another, perhaps unwelcome suggestion, is to move to the "mother" distro of Kali, which is debian, and then simply install all of those applications that Kali does by default, so that you have a more stable platform than Kali has been able to provide in this case, but still with all the apps that Kali provides.
Can I do this without having to create bootable drive?
Can I do this without having to create bootable drive?
Yes, it's a matter of being connected online and having the repositories all in order to be able to install in the normal way using apt and apt-get commands. One doesn't need any bootable drives. You can test the machines capacity to install by installing some insignificant program first, like say the package: cowsay. When it's installed, run it to see that it's all there and works, and I guess that's good evidence that the installation system works.

When you remove a program with apt, it will show what is to be removed. The user needs to check that carefully and note everything so that they know what needs to be re-installed.
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Yes sir, the installation system works fine, certainly, all hardware test pass. Talking about your option of installing new distro, I’m I going to loose any file that I have or could you provide me with a guideline link please. Thank you for all the time spent with me
I’m really grateful
Yes, it's a matter of being connected online and having the repositories all in order to be able to install in the normal way using apt and apt-get commands. One doesn't need any bootable drives. You can test the machines capacity to install by installing some insignificant program first, like say the package: cowsay. When it's installed, run it to see that it's all there and works, and I guess that's good evidence that the installation system works.

When you remove a program with apt, it will show what is to be removed. The user needs to check that carefully and note everything so that they know what needs to be re-installed.
Is it something like Network installation?
Just now saw this, which could be a helpful consideration in your case:

On the matter of losing files, you can back up all the files that you want to keep and then re-install them in a new installation, whether it's Kali or anything else. Backed up files can be saved to a usb, another hard drive, another computer, a cloud, a tape etc. It depends on the facilities available.

If by change you have partitioned the original installation with a separate home partition where all your data and files reside, then you can keep that partition untouched by a new installation which you would install to the root partition. You'd usually use the "manual" or "custom" partitioning option in the installer to do that.
Is it something like Network installation?
You can do a network installation from a "netinst" installer. If you download such an installation iso file, write it to usb and run it, it will check your hardware, install some basics and then install what you choose from the menus through the network. You need the initial iso file which normally you write to a usb to do this. There are other forms of network installation, but I'm not familiar enough with them to advise.
Just now saw this, which could be a helpful consideration in your case:

On the matter of losing files, you can back up all the files that you want to keep and then re-install them in a new installation, whether it's Kali or anything else. Backed up files can be saved to a usb, another hard drive, another computer, a cloud, a tape etc. It depends on the facilities available.

If by change you have partitioned the original installation with a separate home partition where all your data and files reside, then you can keep that partition untouched by a new installation which you would install to the root partition. You'd usually use the "manual" or "custom" partitioning option in the installer to do that.
Ooh okay, thank you. But I have everything in the /, no double partitions
Ooh okay, thank you. But I have everything in the /, no double partitions
Then you must back up what you wish to keep. In my own case, I use usbs quite extensively, and also external hard drives on other computers, but usbs work well for short term storage.
Basically I want to switch the distro without creating any USB/CD bootable
Then you must back up what you wish to keep. In my own case, I use usbs quite extensively, and also external hard drives on other computers, but usbs work well for short term storage.
Sure thing. Thank you
So if I’m getting everything right here, I can switch from kali to Ubuntu without creating USB bootable
No, I don't think you can do that by re-installing a whole distro from online. I think you still need to download an install disk for ubuntu if you want to install ubuntu.

I'm guessing that the trouble with your usb mentioned earlier may be getting in the way of being able to write an iso to usb. If you could get around that, it would be helpful to you so that you can install in a standard way. Perhaps check out all the different usb ports to see if you can find one that works. Often I've found that using root will write to a usb when a user has trouble, though your issue may be different.
Thank you so much

Regarding the usb issue, can you help me with some troubleshooting steps, and how your outputs looks like in order to know if it’s a hardware or software problem
Thank you so much

Regarding the usb issue, can you help me with some troubleshooting steps, and how your outputs looks like in order to know if it’s a hardware or software problem
However, performing hardware test shows USB passed
I guess the first thing that I'd try is writing a file to the usb, since that's what ultimately is needed.

To find out the name of the usb, run lsblk:

[ben@min ~]$ lsblk
sda           8:0    1  14.5G  0 disk
└─sda1        8:1    1  14.5G  0 part
sr0          11:0    1  1024M  0 rom 
nvme0n1     259:0    0 465.8G  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0   476M  0 part /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p2 259:2    0  14.9G  0 part [SWAP]
└─nvme0n1p3 259:3    0 450.4G  0 part /

The usb here is "sda", the partition is "sda1", so the partition to mount is "/dev/sda1" with this command as root:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -o umask=000

Usb's usually use fat filesystems, that don't have permissions, so the umask provides full permissions to read and write.

Then navigate to the /mnt directory to see the usb contents:
cd /mnt

Then copy a file to the usb, and run ls to see if the copy succeeded. Run the sync command to clear the buffers and have the file written to the hardware (the usb):
cp <some file> /mnt

When you are finished copying files, get root out of /mnt, and unmount the usb:
umount /mnt

To write an iso file to a usb, the usb is not mounted. That's much simpler. Just copy to the device:
cp <file.iso> /dev/sda
dd if=<file.iso> of=/dev/sda bs=4M status=progress

Make sure you know what your usb device name is before you run any command ... and substitute it in the commands above. Check and re-check ... "measure 5 times before you cut" as the saying goes.
I guess the first thing that I'd try is writing a file to the usb, since that's what ultimately is needed.

To find out the name of the usb, run lsblk:

[ben@min ~]$ lsblk
sda           8:0    1  14.5G  0 disk
└─sda1        8:1    1  14.5G  0 part
sr0          11:0    1  1024M  0 rom
nvme0n1     259:0    0 465.8G  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0   476M  0 part /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p2 259:2    0  14.9G  0 part [SWAP]
└─nvme0n1p3 259:3    0 450.4G  0 part /

The usb here is "sda", the partition is "sda1", so the partition to mount is "/dev/sda1" with this command as root:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -o umask=000

Usb's usually use fat filesystems, that don't have permissions, so the umask provides full permissions to read and write.

Then navigate to the /mnt directory to see the usb contents:
cd /mnt

Then copy a file to the usb, and run ls to see if the copy succeeded. Run the sync command to clear the buffers and have the file written to the hardware (the usb):
cp <some file> /mnt

When you are finished copying files, get root out of /mnt, and unmount the usb:
umount /mnt

To write an iso file to a usb, the usb is not mounted. That's much simpler. Just copy to the device:
cp <file.iso> /dev/sda
dd if=<file.iso> of=/dev/sda bs=4M status=progress

Make sure you know what your usb device name is before you run any command ... and substitute it in the commands above. Check and re-check ... "measure 5 times before you cut" as the saying goes.
Thank you so much for everything sir.

I send the laptop to a repairer to help me with the USB port, I think it’s a hardware issue. He told me the IC which on the board that connect the USB port is spoiled so I need to replace the USB board. That is beyond my knowledge tho because I’m more of the softwares not hardware. My laptop is more sensitive and I’m afraid of crushing the systems Motherboard