Solved error: file '/boot/vmlinuz-linux' not found (grub rescue)

Solved issue
im probably gonna have to reinstall everything anyway bruh
Installing Windows first normally goes well when you want Linux on the same machine.

I've seen a few times where folks posted online that Windows updates breaks the Grub bootloader for Linux. Not sure if that's true but anything is possible.

Installing Windows first normally goes well when you want Linux on the same machine.

I've seen a few times where folks posted online that Windows updates breaks the Grub bootloader for Linux. Not sure if that's true but anything is possible.
nah im 100% thats what happened to me now that you put it that way. i haven't had any issues with my arch install and grub up until i decided install windows. i hope that at some point i'll be able to completely commit to linux but as of now im just gonna have to put up with the hassle. luckily enough i was able to back up my files so i can safely reinstall arch
Boot fro
im running arch
Boot from the live iso and chroot into your installation. Then reinstall the kernel and make sure the kernel files are located on the partition mounted under /boot
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nah im 100% thats what happened to me now that you put it that way. i haven't had any issues with my arch install and grub up until i decided install windows. i hope that at some point i'll be able to completely commit to linux but as of now im just gonna have to put up with the hassle. luckily enough i was able to back up my files so i can safely reinstall arch
That's good news.
How did your fresh installation go?
Boot fro

Boot from the live iso and chroot into your installation. Then reinstall the kernel and make sure the kernel files are located on the partition mounted under /boot
How do you reinstall the kernel if the initrd.img doesn't exist?
windows doesn't show up in the grub menu
Boot into Arch and update grub with root privileges.
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Reboot and you should see Windows in the bootloader's menu.
Boot into Arch and update grub.
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Reboot and you should see Windows in the bootloader's menu.
yh i did all that already, it didn't work at all. i tried to use os-prober and then i updated grub which did nothing. i then tried to manually mount my drive to /boot which gave me an error
yh i did all that already, it didn't work at all. i tried to use os-prober and then i updated grub which did nothing. i then tried to manually mount my drive to /boot which gave me an error
i already started a thread about this exact issue
yh i did all that already, it didn't work at all. i tried to use os-prober and then i updated grub which did nothing. i then tried to manually mount my drive to /boot which gave me an er
yh i did all that already, it didn't work at all. i tried to use os-prober and then i updated grub which did nothing. i then tried to manually mount my drive to /boot which gave me an error
Sorry that didn't work.
How do you reinstall the kernel if the initrd.img doesn't exist?
initramfs gets generated when you reinstall the kernel or when you run "mkintcpio", every Arch user should know this if they used the official Arch installation guide to install Arch.
initramfs gets generated when you reinstall the kernel or when you run "mkintcpio", every Arch user should know this if they used the official Arch installation guide to install Arch.
Thanks mate.
I've never tried to run Arch before. It's on my Linux to try list.:)
i was following a tutorial on fixing grub and got an error telling me that the "vmlinuz" file was missing from my /boot directory. is there a way for me to recover its contents
Hi, in my BIOS off Secute boot, but Kali linux continue show me this message
error: /file /live/vmlinuz-6.5.0-kali3-amd64 not found.

Help me idn what i need do

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