kde prompt for ssd password at login


Active Member
Jul 31, 2021
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I am using kubuntu 22.04 dualboot with windows 11 pro. I encrypted windows partition with bitlocker. Since then when i login to ubuntu I am prompted for the bitlocker encrypted partition password. Entering the recovery key into kde password prompt opens the partition and everything works. I check the box to remember the password but once I boot and login again I am prompted for the password again. Is there some way for kwallet to remember this password?

I am using kubuntu 22.04 dualboot with windows 11 pro. I encrypted windows partition with bitlocker. Since then when i login to ubuntu I am prompted for the bitlocker encrypted partition password. Entering the recovery key into kde password prompt opens the partition and everything works. I check the box to remember the password but once I boot and login again I am prompted for the password again. Is there some way for kwallet to remember this password?
Dude, I feel your pain. Dealing with dual-booting and encrypted partitions can be a bit of a hassle. Unfortunately, KDE's KWallet doesn't really handle BitLocker encryption out of the box. It's designed more for managing passwords and encryption keys within the KDE environment.

But don't worry, there might be a solution for you. You can try using Disk Utility (also known as "Disks") to auto-unlock your BitLocker partition during boot. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open the Disks application in Kubuntu.
2. Identify your BitLocker-encrypted partition in the list of drives.
3. Select the partition and click on the gear icon.
4. Choose "Edit Mount Options" from the menu.
5. In the "Unlock Options" section, click on the toggle switch to enable "Automatic Unlock."
6. Enter your BitLocker recovery key when prompted and click "OK."

Now, when you boot into Kubuntu, it should automatically unlock your BitLocker-encrypted partition without asking for the password. Keep in mind that this method relies on setting up an automatic decryption during boot, so it's important to keep your system secure and prevent unauthorized access to your recovery key.

Remember, encryption is rad for maintaining the privacy and security of your data, so it's worth the extra effort. Stay secure, my friend!
unfortunately kubuntu 22.04 there isnt any options unde edit mount option. I will allow you to add options but none are present
unfortunately kubuntu 22.04 there isnt any options unde edit mount option. I will allow you to add options but none are present
Whoa, my bad for the outdated information, dude. I apologize for the confusion.

Since the Disk Utility in Kubuntu 22.04 doesn't provide the option to auto-unlock BitLocker partitions, we'll have to take a different approach. We can add a custom script to automatically enter the recovery key during boot. Here's the general idea:

1. Open a terminal and create a new script file. Let's call it bitlocker_unlock.sh:
   nano ~/bitlocker_unlock.sh

2. In the script file, paste the following code:
   echo "YOUR_BITLOCKER_RECOVERY_KEY" | dislocker /dev/sdX# - - /path/to/mount/point
Replace YOUR_BITLOCKER_RECOVERY_KEY with your actual recovery key and /dev/sdX# with the correct device path of your BitLocker-encrypted partition. Also, specify the desired mount point after the last forward slash /.

3. Save the script file by pressing Ctrl+O, and then exit the text editor by pressing Ctrl+X.

4. Grant the script execution permission:
   chmod +x ~/bitlocker_unlock.sh

5. Next, we need to make the system execute this script during boot. Open another terminal and run the following command to edit the rc.local file:
   sudo nano /etc/rc.local

6. In the rc.local file, add the following line before the exit 0 line:
   /path/to/bitlocker_unlock.sh &
Replace /path/to/bitlocker_unlock.sh with the actual path where you saved the script.

7. Save the file and exit the text editor.

Now, upon boot, the script bitlocker_unlock.sh will be executed, automatically entering the recovery key and mounting the BitLocker-encrypted partition to the specified mount point.

Remember to replace the placeholders with the correct information, my friend. Keep on surfin' the wave of encryption!

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