cloud setup


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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On my sever i install cloud sever on my sever. How do i set i up to use it. I am using ubuntu sever. I don't know if it's not setup is the reason the network configuration fails on startup. I can log in from another computer and look at files from my home computer using filezilla at home. I added a file showing network fail. I will enable it and it will fail again after 5 minutes. I don't know if it has to do the cloud not being setup. Thanks for the help.


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Need to check if fwupd-refresh.service is masked or not if it is masked then it is diasabled
systemctl status fwupd-refresh.service
and post back the output
Need to check if fwupd-refresh.service is masked or not if it is masked then it is diasabled
systemctl status fwupd-refresh.service
and post back the output
picture of output. I don't know if i should reinstall ubuntu server and don't install cloud service. I got to find what i need to install just to use it as a home server. Like what services and tools. Ubuntu asks you to check what you want to install.


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I am seeing NIC Copper link is down - some amount of cooperation with the NIC to effectively track multiple MAC addresses, not all cards do that the same way and some can get you into problems. which is what I think is going on here - you might want to try to create a standard bridge connection instead
Hopefully someone else can chime in here and help as well
I am seeing NIC Copper link is down - some amount of cooperation with the NIC to effectively track multiple MAC addresses, not all cards do that the same way and some can get you into problems. which is what I think is going on here - you might want to try to create a standard bridge connection instead
Hopefully someone else can chime in here and help as well
I have 6 total ethernet cards which two are built-in and 4 are actual cards. All is 1 GB speed. I am using two built-in cards and two plug in the pcie cards. Two of the cards not being used. The copper link down started after I did a update a week ago.
Need to check for errors on the wire, look at the "errors" field in the output of
. If non-zero then there are problems with hardware (cable, NIC card, or hub/switch). An unreliable Ethernet cable will give errors in this field too.
you can use ethtool (NOTE you may have to install it)
sudo apt install ethtool
and make sure the network settings (duplex, etc) match those on the switch.
If the switch has flow control enabled, then be sure it is enabled on your Linux box. Otherwise, disable it.
Also a quick look into /var/log/messages should give you a fair idea of whats happening
Need to check for errors on the wire, look at the "errors" field in the output of
. If non-zero then there are problems with hardware (cable, NIC card, or hub/switch). An unreliable Ethernet cable will give errors in this field too.
you can use ethtool (NOTE you may have to install it)
sudo apt install ethtool
and make sure the network settings (duplex, etc) match those on the switch.
If the switch has flow control enabled, then be sure it is enabled on your Linux box. Otherwise, disable it.
Also a quick look into /var/log/messages should give you a fair idea of whats happening
Ok! I go down in the basement and check it out.?
@KGIII is this how your linux tips site is set up?

I have a small hosting company - just a reseller account or three - as a bit of a hobby. It's just regular (but good) shared hosting. I have a pretty heavily modified WordPress install (with way too many plugins) and you could call it 'cloud' because I then use a CDN. I pay for the CDN features but you can just use the free tier at CloudFlare.

I use and they do have a bit of a free service but I no longer fit in the free tier. The hosting company I go through is an enterprise LiteSpeed customer, so I get extra free-tier CDN functionality, but I still don't fit in there. Most sites would fit in the free tier pretty easily, but I get a lot of traffic (considering the content and circumstances). Most sites barely get any traffic at all, like the vast majority don't get much traffic at all.

But, is a special CDN - created specifically to work with WordPress. If you use LiteSpeed then it will work for you. You can also just use the free tier at CloudFlare - or any number of CDN providers. This will then mean you're 'in the cloud'.
We aim to shift our website to a cloud server to enhance its speed

A CDN will accomplish the same thing, giving you POPs (point of presence) across the globe. When people visit your site, they visit one of the POPs and not your actual site. They are routed to the closest POP.

This is easier and cheaper. Heck, CloudFlare is free.

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