If you want Arch but don't wanna deal with CLI installation


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2019
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If you want Arch but you don't wanna deal with CLI installation, about 18 months ago I found an easy way to achieve that. Nowadays I'm installing Arch with CLI (altough I haven't reinstalled it in over a year, so I've pretty much forgotten the whole procedure) but as someone who took a lot of practice with that, I can say CLI isn't for everyone and it can be extremely hard the first few times. So I decided to share with you my old way of installing Arch.

1. Visit https://www.arcolinux.info/downloads/ and scroll down a little until you see this image:

2. Decide which release you want and download it. Personally, I preferred ArcoLinux D.
3. Boot the ISO from any medium you prefer, like Ventoy, for instance.
4. Go through the advanced installation which gives you choices for desktops and other software. Throughout the choice you'll often see packages whose names start with "arcolinux-[name]-git". Don't bother to deselect them bc they'll be installed anyway, despite your desire to deselect them.
5. When you boot to your newly installed ArcoLinux, first change the repositories to match those of Arch, meaning no repository that has anything to do with Arco. Then change the mirrors as well. I'd recommend you to use a mirror that's located in your own country, or if such a mirror isn't available, use one from a country closest to yours.
6. Install any AUR package manager, I prefer trizen.
7. At this point, after you've changed repos and mirrors, I recommend you to reboot in order to force refresh both bc manual refreshing doesn't always work for a newly installed system.
8. Uninstall anything and everything that contains the name "arcolinux-". For your facilitation, I've put all the packages in a list:

sudo pacman -Rsn arcolinux-alacritty-git arcolinux-grub-theme-vimix-git arcolinux-keyring arcolinux-mirrorlist-git arcolinux-neofetch-git arcolinux-paru-git arcolinux-sddm-simplicity-git arcolinux-systemd-services-git arcolinux-wallpapers-git arcolinuxd-system-config-git arcolinuxd-welcome-app-git

Some of these packages are competely unnecessary, whereas others can simply be replaced by their precompiled binary counterparts from the official repositories, such as alacritty, neofetch, paru, sddm, systemd. But frankly speaking, I never replaced them with anything and yet the system has always worked just fine.
9. And finally, you need to edit one last file:
sudo gedit /etc/lsb-release
Replace "gedit" with your favorite text editor.
This file contains 4 lines, only two of which are important.


Change "DISTRIB_ID" to read "ArchLinux" and "DISTRIB_RELEASE" to read "rolling".
"DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION" can be any text you like, it's just a description and not important at all.

10. Reboot once again and you're done - you have pure Arch and no one will know it was something else, except for you.
After the reboot you can proceed to installing video drivers, if you haven't chosen them already during the Calamares installation.

Basically my way was turning Arco into Arch bc Arco is the closest thing to Arch I've ever found, which makes it easier to change it back to Arch.

Here another easy way to install Arch
Here another easy way to install Arch
I'll test this but my instruction is how to turn an arch-based distro to pure arch, circumventing the CLI installation.
I'm confused. Is $ archinstall complicated?

I haven't done a manual install since the archinstall command was implemented. Takes me about 20 seconds after executing archinstall before I'm walking away to grab a cup of coffee or take a leak while it installs everything for me. Included my DE of choice and any additional packages I opted for.

Edit: reading this over I realize this sounds horribly condescending; but I don't intend it to be that way.
I'm confused. Is $ archinstall complicated?
It's not but it has downsides, such as not accepting a password with intervals in it. If you enter a password like this: "1 2 3 4", it won't accept it and will keep crying about you having to enter a password. In the time you'd need to come up with an acceptable password, you would have installed arch the traditional way. That's why I prefer to simply install it with CLI. But before I was able to install it via CLI, I used to turn Arco into Arch cuz it was easy. :)

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