Wine - Hotel Giant 2 - Error


Oct 18, 2022
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Just installed Wine and installed Hotel Giant 2. This is what happens when opening the game from the desktop icon. Am I missing something? I've enabled 32-bit etc.



  • Fail.png
    387.7 KB · Views: 179

Find a new game that does not need windows. Remove wine from your system as it is something that is really not needed.

If you REALLY REALLY REALLY need a windows program for something and you can't find a linux alternative then install windows as a virtual machine or keep a windows computer around for it. I have some things that I MUST have windows programs and I put them in a VM with windows. If the program needs heavy graphics ability not available in a VM I set a proper dual boot with windows that bypasses GRUB.

Linux is not Windoze.
Find a new game that does not need windows. Remove wine from your system as it is something that is really not needed.
There aren't enough good games that have Linux natives, that's why it's useful to have Wine and Proton, having Steam Play and Lutris makes gaming on Linux a lot easier.
There aren't enough good games that have Linux natives, that's why it's useful to have Wine and Proton, having Steam Play and Lutris makes gaming on Linux a lot easier.
I have a couple games I like that need windoze. So I set up a SSD Switching that provides a perfect dual boot and play the game as it was intended on windoze. Personally I would never want any windows program to be able to run on my linux. If you let one run, you have the chance that others will also run such as virus, malware etc. Windoze is dirty and should be kept away from my nice clean linux.
Personally I would never want any windows program to be able to run on my linux. If you let one run, you have the chance that others will also run such as virus, malware etc. Windoze is dirty and should be kept away from my nice clean linux.
You'll be fine as long as you don't download games from torrent websites or other illegal sources but from a legal source which is possible through what Steam offers and Lutris(runners) offer. And you can also choose to run those applications in a sandbox whether that be through Snaps or Flatpaks( or another sand-boxing form). I use the latter since I dislike dual-booting, but it the end it's up to the person to decided how to run something on their system.

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