vsftpd status failed


New Member
Jan 19, 2023
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Hello All,

I have installed vsftpd on my linux mint web server, but can not get the service to run. does anyone no a resolution to this problem if so your help would be appreciated.

Kind regards

Marlon Carr

What is the error?
Hello dos2unix,

How are you,

After checking status of vsftpd service in the command line i get loaded service enabled

Active: failed

(code=exited, status=2)

both of these show up red

vsftpd.service: failed with result 'exit-code'.

are you familiar whit this ?

Marlon Carr
Hello dos2unix,

I have checked to see if the ports are listening
I have enabled ports on UFW

but can't get the service to start running

Marlon Carr
How are you checking from the command line?

systemctl status vsftp


journalctl -u vsftp

Are there errors in the log files?
Hello dos2uinx,

Where are the log files ?

Marlon Carr
add a dash L

systemctl status -l vsftp

and paste the entire output here.
Also check journalctl errors and log files.

paste errors here.
If we can't see any errors, we can't help.
Usually /var/log/xferlog

But it depends on your distro. I don't use Mint, so it may be different.
Do you have to be in root ?

Yes, or have sudo.

What is output of...

systemctl cat vsftpd | grep vsftpd.conf
For me... it looks like this...

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/vsftpd /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

This will tell you where your conf file is.
Then you can run...

cat /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf | grep log
(change the location to wherever your conf file is).

... and that will tell you where your log files are.
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Hello dos2unix,

What log files do I need to find, I will see if I can find them then and i'll make a post.

Marlon Carr
Hello dos2unix,

I have attached a print out of the vsftpd status.

kind regards

Marlon Carr

Thnaks for the help, i'll try again tommorw.

Kind regards,

Marlon Carr