Solved Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Solved issue


New Member
Apr 5, 2023
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I just installed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on my raspberry Pi 4. I can not for the life of me get Eclipse programming software tool installed threw the software management tool. I finally found a download file 64bit tz.gz tried extracting it, then making sure the attributes or access to file was set to excute. I still had no luck. Can Eclipse programming software tool be used & installed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS? Any help much appreciated.

Welcome to the forums

did you try the snap package from ubuntu...

terminal run
sudo snap install --classic eclipse
then run
sudo apt install default-jre
then you should be able to set it up
I got it to work, but it was a challenge!!

Had to use Arm64/Arch64.

Raspberry PI 4 with 2 gig does not run eclipse very well. Will stick to command line editor for now.

Naturally I had to chmod +x eclipse-inst

Much more but problem is solved as of now.

Thank everyone for helping. Have a great day...
VS Code is good on Linux. I use it for HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Java/Spring/React/Node.js/AWS/other
VS Code is good on Linux. I use it for HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Java/Spring/React/Node.js/AWS/other
Unfortunately that program is made by a company in which I will no longer use their products. Too long life story.....

Thank you, but that did not solve the problem..
I have been trying to get an ARM instance in Oracle Cloud Free Tier to see the difference between Linux on ARM and Linux on x86. My feeling is that some things may be broken on ARM vs. x86, but do not know much until I get to try it for myself.

One issue is that Oracle Cloud Free Tier has been "out of capacity" every time I tried to create an ARM instance for the last two months. I do not think it will happen. Someday perhaps.

One day I will have an ARM system to try it out - Raspberry Pi, Oracle Cloud, a new Mac, ... something.
You could try an ARM EC2 instance on AWS. I'm a certified AWS Solutions Architect if you need help.

Screenshot from 2023-04-06 10-52-17.png
You could try an ARM EC2 instance on AWS. I'm a certified AWS Solutions Architect if you need help.

(Image of AWS configuration page showing ARM instance.)
Thank you for your kind offer. I chose Oracle Cloud because it has an "Always Free Tier" that guarantees you won't be charged accidentally for exceeded free limits. Unfortunately, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud do not offer "safety bumpers" with their free trials.

The point of my post was to express my concerns about possible ARM vs. x86 issues with the current state of Linux tools. I do not know how much I do not know, but I suspect that some processor compatibility issues may exist.
Just open a new 12 month Free Tier account and use the 750 hours for EC2, then delete/cancel. You'll get a usage alert if you come near that in the mean time without having to configure any CloudWatch alerts.